"August 19, 2009"

Before he goes on the air in San Diego, Owen calls Jackie to assure her that he's fine with his upcoming interview. Jackie assures Whip and Bridget that Ow...

"August 18, 2009"

James asks for Taylor and Brooke's cellphones before they begin a therapy session. After yoga, James begins by asking Brooke to recount the first time that...

"November 3, 2009"

Bridget assures everyone she is fine. Stephanie congratulates Pam on her appearance. Whip comes up with the idea of getting Jackie M back to the beginning....

"January 5, 2009"

Pam chastises Donna for wearing her crocheted bikini in the surf line show. Eric is enthused as the Forrester phones ring off the hook i...

"October 30, 2009"

Nick catches Owen and Jackie kissing. Both assure him they're fine and Owen hints that the marriage is everything to him. Hearing Bridget is at Dr. Caspary...

Brooke tells Ridge that if he truly wants this wedding, she will leave him alone. Ridge points out that he asked her to stay away. Taylor finds Ridge hesit...

As photographers snap pics, Eric tries to comfort Donna on the runway. He escorts her backstage. Katie tries to turn it into a exciting surprise ending for...

"February 19, 2009"

Rick has enlisted in the army. He arrives at the recruiting office and learns he's being sent to boot camp in South Carolina - today. B...

"October 5, 2009"

Ridge and other family members stare in disbelief as Katie stands by Bill. He confirms she will be the new Forrester CEO. Eric points out that nothing can ...

Brooke announces she will not tell Rick he cannot be with Steffy. Ridge is outraged. As he fumes, she claims that she can't do this bec...

The Bold and the Beautiful Quotes

Stephanie: You think this is all my fault? You have brought this on yourself.
Brooke: All I ever did, Stephanie, was to love Ridge.
Stephanie: And his father, and his brother, and your son-in-law. Is it any wonder Bridget is confused? I mean, is it any wonder your daughter would confuse natural feelings of respect and affection for romance? You have blurred the lines of socially-acceptable behaviour. And you stand here and you tell me you're proud. What are you proud of? Having your son-in-law's baby? I know what you're proud of. Chasing after a man whose wife's body is barely cold in the ground.

Brooke Logan Forrester is nobody's fool, nobody's.
