On The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 13, Shaun worries about whether he and Lea will continue to get along despite their differences once they become parents.


The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 13 revolves around grief.

Glassman goes to the ruins of his house and refuses to leave, instead digging around for keepsakes to remind him of the distant past when his daughter was alive. He finds a bottle of nail polish and an eye from a stuffed animal.

Meanwhile, Shaun worries about the future after he meets the parents of a very sick child, who can't stop arguing. Ricky initially comes to the hospital because he stepped on a rusty nail at camp, which leads his parents to argue about whether it was safe for him to go to camp. Shaun becomes convinced that he and Lea are going to end up like this couple because they have a lot of differences too, and his obsession with this gets worse when Ricky's mother says she loves his father but love isn't always enough.

Meanwhile, Park helps Morgan with her first day on the new job. A patient in the trial is severely ill. Morgan thinks that means he was unqualified for the trial and the screeners are incompetent. Park encourages her not to be so negative about human nature.

Finally, Lim discovers a pair of lungs a patient desperately needs may not be viable, but refuses to give up because she doesn't want to fail a patient who has been fighting cystic fibrosis for years.

To find out what happens, watch The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 13 online.

Episode Details

On The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 13, Shaun and Lea clash over parenting styles and worry what will happen to their relationship when their child is born.

Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (85 Votes)
The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 13 Quotes

Jordan: This looks like pneumonia.
Lim: Yes. In both lungs.

Lea: No coffee? Glassy still in his room?
Shaun: No, he left at about 6:15 AM.
Lea: Poor Glassy. He's been so sad since his house burned down.
Shaun: How do you know he is sad?
Lea: Have you noticed how quiet he is?
Shaun: Yes. It's been nice.