Finn captures his brothers for a little bonding time in a mystical cabin. Find out what Finn hoped to gain and watch The Originals online.

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When Finn captures his brothers on The Original Season 2 Episode 11, he has a very specific goal in mind: learn Klaus' secrets. Watch The Originals online to learn how Klaus and Elijah managed to best their brother and keep their secrets safe for a little while longer. Kol didn't turn into vampire food, which is good news since Davina's falling for him and she could probably mind whammy all regular vampires out of existence if she wanted to had they hurt her man. She did waste a lot of time sitting in the floor of the church though, and she probably could've been doing something a little more productive then, like knitting or weaving baskets or figuring out how to get blood into the compound so the vampires didn't turn into raving lunatics. Marcel got a flashback episode and those are always great. In World War I, he turned his regiment into vampires in order to defeat the Germans. They were successful and a very decorated group of men, the Brotherhood of the Damned. Klaus and Elijah are also a brotherhood of the damned, thanks to their mother. Elijah confessed to killing Tatia and Klaus forgave him.

Episode Details

On The Originals Season 2 Episode 11, Finn comes up with an elaborte spell to trap his siblings. Elsewhere, Davina aims to help Kaleb, while Hayley and Jackson learn more about their wedding.

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The Originals
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The Originals Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Look, Camille, you know I'm no stranger to violence. Typically however I'm possessed of a certain control. However now and then I can be consumed with the chaos and untethered from that control.


[to Marcel] Family are not just people who coddle you, who grant you your every whim. They are people who fight for you, who you fight for.
