October 26, 2020 | 0 Comments
Iris: I’ve never been in a high school before.
Iris: I’ve never been in a high school before.
Iris: I’ve never had soda from a can before.
Felix: Stay behind me.
Hope: We haven’t talked about that thing.
Parker: I can’t get what we did out of my head. Elizabeth: Stand at attention. You know what we did, Parker. You know exactly what we…
Elizabeth: We have energy, water, medicine, transport, a council, the courts, schools, culture, currency, economy, agriculture,…
Elizabeth: Answer it. Go on. You will be remanded to the CRM health and welfare complex until you are deemed ready to serve again, albeit…
Hope: You better not be sticking your middle finger up at the walkie.
Felix: I mean, he was risking the whole alliance by sending those. The Civic Republic doesn’t play. Huck: You really think he may be in…
Huck: Say what you will, but they handle their shit. You sure they headed East? Felix: This road’s a straight shot, and you know what’s…