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Ragnar and Ivar wake up on a beach without their boats. The crew wants to know what Ragnar's next move is. 

Bjorn and his crew arrive safely in Normandy. He comes face to face with Rollo and meets his family. He asks Rollo for safe passage along his coast. Rollo takes them prisoner. 

Ragnar and his crew find a place to camp in the woods. They know the soldiers will eventually find them. Ragnar tells Ivar it needs to just be the two of them and he and Ivar kill the rest of the crew. 

Lagertha tells Astrid she plans to regain her throne. 

Ragnar tells Ivar that he's special and has a strength that even his brothers don't have because of his legs. 

Rollo shows Bjorn a bigger map of the Mediterranean than the one he has. Rollo says he will only grant him safe passage to travel if he allows him to come along. 

Rollo's wife tells him if he goes, they'll most likely be over. 

Astrid and Lagertha invite Sigurd, Ubbe,to dinner and use Margrethe to imprison them. 

Bjorn brings Rollo, ties him up, and throws him overboard. They pull him up just before he drowns. 

Lagertha and Astrid start a battle. 

Ragnar and Ivar make it to town and Ragnar prepares to turn himself in. 





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Vikings Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

How long do you think you can keep us prisoner, traitor? We left sixty ships outside your port, full of Vikings. Don't you think they will come knocking soon if we don't return?


Ragnar: I'm not going to stand here all day watching you try to be normal when you never will be.
Ivar: I am normal!
Ragnar: No, you're not. Once you realize that, that is when greatness will happen.