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Schools out. It's summer! Freedom.

Robert has a surprise for Elizabeth, and it's more than the hug he gives her in thanks for her kind words.

Rachel is thriving in her new position. But she's a little homesick, too. She's taking big strides to determine her future.

Ned delivers mail to Rosemary, and she's shocked to learn that Dottie will be selling the dress shop. I had no idea Rosemary and Lee hadn't already purchased it. Eeek.

Lee finds them after receiving that news. He doesn't know what to say, and he tries to take them to lunch. Rachel doesn't want to be sent home. It's not good for the family.

Lee doesn't think Rachel is going to sell. Rosemary just wants to know who is interested in buying the shop. Lee's comments that Rosemary doesn't have to work given his comfortable living landed poorly with "Go stuff a trout" as Rosemary breezed out the door past him, papers tossed in the air.

Bill is carrying his serge when he visits Nathan. Headquarters want him to turn it in. Nathan is going on vacation, so Bill is Hope Valley's one true hope for safety and security.

Clara is a nervous wreck. She's in charge of Nichols and Dimes while Fiona is out of town. Faith also says the dress shop might be for sale, upsetting Clara even more.

Lucas wants to know where Henry stands in terms of coming back to work. He wants to start right away. Lucas offers the office key to him again, and they part.

Elizabeth and Lucas chat, deciding on a date tomorrow. Nathan rides by.

Elizabeth has parent-teacher meetings and relays that Cooper is working at a level above his grade.

Elizabeth hopes to see Minnie at the graduation ceremony, and Minnie finally agrees.

Nathan is the only student Elizabeth hasn't met with as of yet.

Ned's ulcer is acting up, and Florence is concerned. She brings it up to Carson and Faith when they come into the mercantile. Ned doesn't agree to a visit, and she's chagrined.

Carson got a letter from the doctor he assisted recently, but he's not excited about it.

Bill eyes his serge, deciding to try it on. He feels different wearing it, proud. He reconsiders and pulls it off, unhappy.

Molly wants her hair ironed. Clara does it fitfully, worried about her work. When Bill enters, Molly tosses the sheet over her head. Bill knows it's her anyway. She's humiliated.

Clara burns part of Molly's hair off, and Molly screams. Bill wonders what's going on with the barbershop, and Jesse and Mike haven't been able to get cuts, either. Mike likes Fiona. They've noticed.

Lucas is preparing a special dinner for Elizabeth.

Carson asks Lucas about his childhood dreams. He admits that he never imagined where he is now. He is the master of his own destiny type, he tells Carson.

Elizabeth can't imagine Rosemary not working at the dress shop. But she's been considering not working there anymore, shocking Rosemary. She doesn't feel like there's much for her to do with Clara and Rachel there.

Elizabeth has a special dress from her sister that needs altering. Rosemary thinks it looks stunning!

Bill compliments Clara's cooking. It's much improved. He'll offer her more hours, but he has a stipulation.

Lee arrives home to discover Rosemary concerned over Rachel, who hasn't returned home.

Rosemary found a romance novel under Rachel's bed and worries that it could be informing Rachel's interests of late.

But her concentration suffered toward the end of school. It seems that whatever happened at Fort Clay is still weighing on her. Nathan sloughs it off, but Elizabeth reminds him how important he is to Allie and that he will always be the measure of the qualities in the man Allie will want to marry.

Clara asks Jesse about buying into the cafe, being partners. Maybe, over time, they even buy out Bill and Abigail. Jesse doesn't think he and Clara should be taking that kind of risk. Jesse isn't interested, reminding her that she thought they should tighten their belt. He's scared to death for some reason.

Something is weighing on Carson. Faith finds him reading the letter again. She knew it was important and hopes they'll be honest with each other. He was offered the fellowship in Baltimore. She's ecstatic. But he wants her to go with him. It doesn't seem like an option for her.

Lee and Rosemary find Rachel lost in the woods.

Lucas visits Elizabeth with two horses. He thought she might like to take a brisk morning ride with him. Why not?

They have a great time, stopping for a chat. He will not attend the ceremony out of respect for Elizabeth. They decide to race back.

Mr. Landis visits the ceremony, and Elizabeth welcomes him, assuring him that the school will not become part of the system.

Henry tried out his old office, toying with the items on the desk before leaning back into his chair.

The graduation ceremony has begun! Robert was asked to speak at the ceremony, but he wanted to share it with his classmates. They sing a song for her, "When Mrs. Thornton's Smiling."

Allie isn't thrilled about the accelerated program. But Nathan thanks Elizabeth for everything.

Mr. Landis is inquiring about the Canfields. Elizabeth isn't credentialed to teach a sightless child, but she disagrees. As it's an independent school, her credentials don't matter to him.

Minnie wants to work with Elizabeth so that Angela can attend the school.

Clara went by the bank today to confirm the amount of their savings. Jesse "invested" all of their savings, every penny. He lost it without telling her. She wants him out of the house.

I thought Elizabeth was going to skip dinner, but she arranges for their plans to shift slightly, and he has everything moved to her home so that she can spend time with Jack.

He's stunned by her beauty. He'll arrange for the dishes to be cleared tomorrow. Tonight should be about them. Gustav only brought one dessert, and they enjoyed sharing.

When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 8 Episode 5 Quotes

Elizabeth: Lucas!
Lucas: If anyone can figure out Henry Gowan, he is a better man than I.
Elizabeth: Oh, he's not so hard to understand.
Lucas: I said better man. Then again, I used to be able to read people, and I am having a hard time figuring you out.
Elizabeth: I'm not so hard to figure out.
Lucas: Mm-hmm.
Elizabeth: [laughs] I'm not! Try me.
Lucas: Alright. Would you care to join me for dinner tomorrow night to celebrate the end of the school year?
Elizabeth: I'd be delighted.
Lucas: Delighted. Delight how?
Elizabeth: To join you ... on a date.
Lucas: Would this be an actual date?
Elizabeth: [chuckles] An actual date. How hard was that? [Nathan rides into the picture]

Lee: Well, lucky for us, I make a pretty decent living so you don't HAVE to work.
Rosemary: What if I WANT to work.
Lee: [sucks in air] Well, [chuckles] then you would work, of course!
Rosemary: You're being terribly cavalier about the way I spend my days, and I don't like it, Lee Coulter! I don't like it one bit!
Lee: Sweetheart, don't you think you're being just a tiny bit...
Rosemary: Tiny bit... unreasonable?
Lee: YES! Unreasonable!
Rosemary: [throws the letter in his face] Go stuff your trout!