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Rats!! The rats have eaten grain from Raiden Global. Nooo!

While most of the crew heads to an island where Jackson had the last great memory of his father, which is now overrun by bloodthirsty rats, Mitch visits Clem. Mitch has nothing planned for his time with Clem and is afraid of Henry, the dog.

Jackson discovers the Sheriff of the town is his first love, from when they were 12. Becky thinks Billy T the fisherman likely exaggerated the 100 rats he saw from like 12 (she likes that number). She says the Wilson Hotel, being renovated, is the spot of the only rat spottings in town.

Mitch gives Clem an old parking ticket, one he saved because it commerates his arrival at the delivery room for her arrival into the world. She calls it a family heirloom -- with a ketchup stain. Coffee, he corrects.

Jamie and Abraham are not having such a great storyline on this particular episode. He's suggesting her singular minded pursuit of Raiden Global will not make her happy, but she's unconvinced.

Jackson's call to Becky to ask her to evacuate homes near the Wilson after discovering the walls chock full of rats bears no fruit. She decides she'll come by instead. She's gonna die!

Clem and Mitch bond at the park, and she assures Mitch she doesn't call her step-dad "dad" or anything. Later, when he's tucking her into bed, she suggests he should come around more often. He agrees. 

Chloe is lost in the rat melee. Meanwhile, the male rat Abraham caught has given birth. Animals are now giving birth not just to assure the survival of their species, but to destroy another.

Lots of stuff happens, but I'm too involved to write it down. The rats all die and Becky lives.

Mitch prepares to give the mother cell to Clayton Burke. Just as he's ready to hand it over, he looks through the glass and spots Delavenne. He hangs his head. In defeat, shame? What?? Dammit. The credits can't roll! Not now!

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Zoo Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

At the risk of sounding overly girly, this is all really, really, really disgusting.


Clem: You do know I'm still at the age where I would play with a doll, right? A doll would have been fine.
Mitch: Duly noted.