2016 TV Fanatic Awards: All the Winners!!

We have tallied the results and your votes have been counted...the winners may shock and astound you, but it's your voice that set the victors free!

11 TV Characters Whose Loss Looms Large

Goodbyes are terrible, and losing these characters in 2016 left a gaping hole in our viewing experience. Take a look at who we loved and lost.

16 Scenes So Amazing You Had to Watch Them Again ... And Again

Like a boomerang, these scenes keep coming back to us, because we're hitting rewind. They're so good we can't stop watching them over and over.

Supergirl Quotes

Braniac-5: Well the good news is, her mind is active and alert.
Alex: Oh, thank God.
Braniac-5: The bad news is, she is very angry.
Winn: Well, I'm sure she loves being trapped inside a mind prison.

You had me fooled, Danvers. I thought you were a soldier. But then I find this out. All the lies you must have told. You have undermined everything that we stand for, all to protect your own sister. Supergirl.

Colonel Haley