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So Help Me Todd Season 2 Episode 1 Recap: Iceland Was Horrible

Margaret wakes up with Gus, as the two have been spending the past few days together at his home, while Allison is on Todd's couch, where she's currently staying.

Francey meets Margaret at the office with a change of clothes, and she details stopping by Margaret's apartment where Harry has been staying. She notes that he's been cleaning and purchased a cat. Margaret informs her that she hasn't told anyone about Harry being back.

At the office, Margaret finds out Todd has opened his own PI firm out of the office, which she tells him to shut down.

At the brunch Beverly throws her for being named partner, Margaret finds out the firm is going under, and after losing valuable clients, she'll have to fire sixteen employees, including Todd.

Margaret finds out one of their former clients, morning station KOLP, has a scandal on their hands as morning anchor Jennifer is accused of killing her co-host, James.

Susan returns from getting married and shows Francey photos of her wedding to Peter while ziplining. Todd then congratulates her and gives her a gravy boat as a wedding gift.

Margaret can't bring herself to fire anyone and instead goes to Jennifer's apartment building in hopes of getting her to take her own as her lawyer, which Jennifer agrees to. Jennifer then tells her to find James's boyfriend, Roy.

Margaret goes to Todd to help her find Roy, and while they're chatting, a man stops by to see Todd, and it's revealed to be Roy.

With Roy being his client, Todd will only let Margaret speak to him if she agrees to his terms, including a raise, taking on outside clients, and working for other lawyers at the firm. Margaret agrees, and while the two talk to Roy, he tells them whoever killed James had to work for the station and that many people there wanted him dead.

Todd uses gum to put trackers on all the cars in the station parking garage and sets up a microphone near station interns to get information.

Margaret finds Jennifer packing her things at the station and discovers she's been fired. Jennifer tells her that before the light fell that killed James, she had heard music from the Phantom of the Opera.

Todd talks to the lighting tech who hit the switch that moved the light, killing James. He tells him many people eat lunch on the catwalk, meaning the killer could be anyone.

Margaret forgets about Lawrence's birthday dinner at her apartment and arrives home to find Lawrence, Allison, Chet, Clementine, and Harry there. Everyone is surprised to see Harry, and Margaret is surprised by Gus, who stops by unannounced.

When Todd arrives, he is shocked to see Harry and goes after him with broken glass. But once cooler heads prevail, Lawrence announces he and Chet are expecting, Gus leaves, and Allison gets a call from the hospital and tells everyone Jennifer has been electrocuted.

At the hospital, Lyle shows Margaret and Todd a video of Roy in the lobby of Jennifer's apartment building that night, and Roy is arrested.

After failing to get Jennifer's charges dropped due to the attempted murder against her, Margaret runs into Gus at the courthouse, and he tells her he doesn't want to step into anything messy.

Todd visits Roy in jail, and he tells him that James had a burner phone, and he gives Todd the number.

At the studio, Todd calls and tracks the burner phone to a safe in James's office. He and Margaret cannot crack the code, but Todd sneaks into the set and retrieves it from the anchor desk. However, he gets locked inside the live set and proceeds to close the weatherman in the sound booth, taking his place on live television.

Todd gives Margaret the code to the safe via the news, and she gets inside to the burner phone. When she calls it, Todd tracks it to the catwalk where the light technician is. He admits to being in love with James and being the killer.

He drops another light down below, which narrowly misses Todd, and is stopped by Margaret, who runs into him on her way to the set.

Later, Beverly tells Margaret that cuts still need to be made even with KOLP back on retainer.

Todd tells Allison he has a plan for his life after arriving late at the airport to stop Susan's flight before her wedding.

Margaret tells Harry she no longer needs him, and kicks him out of her apartment.

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