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Stan Against Evil Season 2 Episode 8 Recap: A Hard Day’s Night

Willard's Mill, Present Day. Night.

Kevin calls Evie to the cemetery. She wonders why he's wearing his uniform. He's hit Claire's coffin. Both Evie and Kevin are like, dude…

Stan has Claire's eyes, and he knows nothing since her death has been natural. 

They talk, argue a bit, and then get emotional. Evie wonders if she'll poof back to her old life, or if she'll even know Stan when it's all said and done. Through tears, they're sure they'll remember each other. Stan writes his name or number on her hand. Look him up if she remembers. 

He's sure he'll remember even if it's just a nagging sensation in the back of his brain, he laughs.

Evie says to go get her, he salutes and heads in. Evie feels a sensation of something, looks down at her hand and Stan's writing on her hand is gone.

She's still the sheriff.

In the morning, Evie is wearing her divorced sheriff's t-shirt when she calls Leon disguising her voice to find out who the sheriff is. Nothing on that front has changed.

When Evie goes to Stan's house, Claire answers the door. Stan has been dead for a year now.

Claire is acting sweet and kind and pretends like she's a sweet old lady. Evie won't stand for it. When Evie shares what she knows about Claire and witchcraft, Claire opens up. 

Ida Putnam killed Stan just after Claire killed the final black flower. She doesn't know why she didn't have a heart attack.

Evie is going to grab Stan's eyeballs and go back in time to get him. She won't allow him to be dead. 

Evie is back in Willard's Mill and runs into Leon in the street. They don't know each other. She shouldn't be in the uniform. When he calls her a stripper, she punches him and he arrests her. 

Ida Putnam rips off Leon's head and Evie gets out.

Stan and Claire have time to talk. But in the end, they go through everything and she still dies of a heart attack. I guess only one of them gets to live.

When Evie and Stan get back to town, it's a bit of a mess. Tornado? Nope. An open portal. Shit.

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