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Station 19 Premiere Review: Meet The Crew

Critic's Rating: 5 / 5.0

On Station 19 Season 1 Episode 1 and Station 19 Season 1 Episode 2, we get to know the cast of Fire Station 19, who we recently met on Grey's Anatomy, and see them in action. 

First, let's talk about the beginning and the end. The narration.

I hope they keep Andy narrating the lesson at the start and the end of the show because it's so Shondaland and I love it.

Station 19 Members Season 1 Episode 1

It's hard coming into a new show because you don't know anybody. It's like going to a party at a new place and they all know each other, but you don't know a soul.

Captain: You’re lucky you’re my daughter.

Andy: So are you.

🔗 permalink: So are you.

BUT I was quick to feel comfortable with this crew because they're likable and they mixed Grey's cast in, so we were going to a new party with strangers, but they were cool strangers and we had a wing-man.

Right off the bat we meet Andy Herrera, daughter of the Captain at Station 19. I can tell she's driven, a bit of a hothead, smart and emotionally messed up. We're given little clues as to why that is and because she's unstable, it's going to affect her ability to lead effectively.

Jack is smart and sweet with just the right amount of cocky and is going to give Andy a run for her money for captain.

I think in the end; however, Andy and Jack will be appointed co-captains after their competition. We'll see, but their strengths compliment each other and I think that's how it will end up.

Andrea Cries in the Supply Room - Station 19 Season 1 Episode 1

Maya and Andy's relationship reminds me of Meredith and Christina's and, if you're a Grey's fan, you miss the best friend (my person) relationship. It's been missing for a while now and it looks like Maya and Andy will fill the gap


Meredith: Ok, that’s enough. Put your game face on. We got your dad. Now you go be brave for them.

🔗 permalink: Ok, that’s enough. Put your game face on. We got your dad. Now you go be brave for them.

Jack is one of the love interests for Andy, but they won't be staying together. He loves her, you can tell, but Ryan is who she belongs with and I ship them already.

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Ryan is her anchor, childhood friend and love, so they're going to end up together.

Warren and Andi Leaving to Fight Fire - Station 19 Season 1 Episode 1

They have this natural flow in their conversation and crazy chemistry, so I'm excited to see it develop. As is true with all of Shondaland, it's not going to be an easy road to get there, but it will be fun to watch them on the long and winding road to each other.

Jack's going to cause some trouble there, but they'll get there.

As far as the show itself goes, there will be relationships and drama in-house, of course, but I think the show will be more action packed than who's sleeping with who driven. We can already see that by the way the scene cuts before the characters get too hot and heavy and how it's the cases that are the main focus.

Andy: Every day is a damn pole day. Starting now.

🔗 permalink: Every day is a damn pole day. Starting now.

The firefighters get pumped about the fires just like the docs on Grey's get excited about their cases. It might seem a little messed up to those of us who aren't doctors and firefighters, but it does say there's going to be really cool cases to get excited about! 

I'm ready to start learning some fire lingo!

Station 19 Members Season 1 Episode 1

We didn't see a whole lot of Ben, but what we did see, I liked. I think he's going to make a much better firefighter than a surgeon.

He's a risk taker and an on the fly thinker which works much better in fighting a fire than performing meticulous surgery. It was good they looped in Bailey and their son and I think they'll keep that up because how could they not?

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Grey's and Station 19 are going to be entwined for a while and that will be good for both of the shows all around.

Every show needs a comic relief and that is Dean. He's going to ease tensions in the firehouse through his antics and I think with his personality, he won't choose sides between Andy and Jack. He's going to be the love child who tries to keep mommy and daddy together by keeping them both happy.

Andy: I can’t do it again, Ryan. I can’t bury another parent.

🔗 permalink: I can’t do it again, Ryan. I can’t bury another parent.

I can't wait to get to know everyone at Station 19. It feels like a whole new group of friends and we're in for some fun!

Sliding Down the Fire Pole - Station 19 Season 1 Episode 1

What did you think of the show? Do you already want Andy to be with Ryan too? How did you feel about Ben's new role as rookie firefighter? I'd love to hear what you think, so leave me a comment 🙂

Keep up with what's happening at the firehouse and watch Station 19 online. Then come back next week and let's talk about the show! Meanwhile, catch up on all your favorite shows here at TV Fanatic.

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