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Station 19 Season 5 Episode 14 Recap: Alone in the Dark

  • Station 23 has a farewell to their station house and ceremony.
  • Carina tries to convince Maya to consider using Jack as their sperm dono
  • Travis shows up to have dinner with Emmett's parents.
  • Ross makes Beckett take a urine test and challenges his fitness
  • Ross names Sullivaan acting captain for the rest of the shift and Maya is upset
  • Warren tells Vic about Pru but no one else.He doesn't want to admit that he has to give up firefighting.
  • They respond to a call.
  •  Andy meets a guy Jeremey while at the bar.
  • Andy opens up to Theo about what she said to Ross and Dummel overhears.
  • Kitty shares that Dixon is going to be running for mayor and his first order of business is getting rid of Crisis 1.
  • Everyone gets upset with Andy and leaves her alone at the bar with Jeremy
  • There is a car explosion in the paring gararage that they respond to
  • THey find the missing kids
  • Beckett punishes everyone else because of what Sullivan did.
  • Travis and Dixon get into it and call each other and Emmett out.
  • Emmett finally tells Travis that they shouldn't be together, and that he's leaving for art school in FLorence
  • Jermey tries to sleep with Andy and she repeatedly telsl him no. HE attacks her and she fights back and runs away.
  • Everyone blames Sullivan when he owns up to things.

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