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Station 19 Season 6 Episode 18 Recap: Glamorous Life

Everyone is having a good time at the Firefighter's ball.

Carina and Maya are running late because Carina doesn't have a dress. Maya tells her to wear the wedding one. But they get distracted making out.

Jack is hanging out with Kate at the ball.

Andy tries to ensure that everyone is considering Ross as chief and gets into a whole debate with the new mayor who is trying to abide by politics and walk the line without pissing people off. She enlists Eli's help with pushing for Ross.

Ross tells Andy that she's the new captain.

Theo and Vic arrive late to the ball, and he's sniping at and degrading her.

Ross tells Sullivan about losing the captainship and says they can be together,a nd he is angry and wants to pull the plug on what they have altogether even after she begs him to love her back.

Theo is pissed about losing captain and implies Andy didn't deserve it because she has a special relationship with Ross.

Carina and Maya are still in bed together, and she starts talking about IVF and the doctors she narrowed things down to.

Jack notices that there's smoke and a fire in the buiolding and they need to evacuatate because there is fire in teh walls.

Theo and Vic argue some more because he thinks Vic doesn't support him. They really argue and imply a breakup.

Jack talks the pregnant server through her pregnancy, and the fact that she wants to give the baby up for adoption. he goes to get keys when to take her to the hospital and sees Theo and Kate making out in the closet.  Theo tries to follow him to get him to stop.

The dance floor is about to come through while Andy and Drew are geting to the source of the fire. It finall gives out with people falling through.

Dixon is one of the people who is trapped. Travis works to save him and theys hare a moment before he dies while Travis is trying to revive him.

Carina, Maya, and Ben help deliver the baby.

Sully finds Natasha and brings her back to life. They vow to make up with each other once and for all.

Jack hit his head and Vic notices the tension between him and Theo, especially while treating Kate who was injured.

Jack collapses from a head wound.

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