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Sullivan’s Crossing Season 1 Episode 1 Recap: Coming Home

Maggie Sullivan is teaching patients and there's quite the influx. She tells one of the mothers that she has to save her son and he'll be fine.

After her shift, Andrew appears and tells her he has to get her to the awards show. They get in the limo.

He's telling her with his divorce finalized that he's ready to take their relationship to the next level.

At the event, Maggie tries to accept the award and give a speech when her boss is arrested by the FBI.

She's also arrested, much to her shock.

In the aftermath, she rushes off to Sullivan's Crossing, where she grew up. She ignores Andrew's calls and meets with her dad.

Their relationship isn't in a very good place and they're trying to fix things. Maggie says she wants her old room, something that shocks her dad.

She goes a walk and bumps into Cal and isn't impressed with how direct he is, and leaves.

Maggie bumps into Sydney and apologizes for not being in town and puts it down to her job.

Maggie's mom calls and tells her she can get her a job in town — or her step dad can.

Maggie isn't ready and says she'll think on it. Things go from bad to worse with her father and she prepares to rush back to Boston.

However, a phone call from her step dad tells her she and the hospital are being sued for malpractice because she didn't realize a patient had an aneurysm.

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