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Supergirl Season 3 Episode 4 Recap: The Faithful

We flashback to Alex's plane from the pilot that Kara stopped from crashing. A man sees Kara fly off from his window. 

Sam is approached at Ruby's soccer game and given a brochure for a strange group. Kara sees the brochure in her office and asks to keep it. The brochure has a Kryptonian symbol on it. 

Kara, Winn, and James go to investigate. The man from the plane leads the meeting and announces that they are all there because Supergirl saved them. 

Kara, Alex, Maggie, Lena, and Sam have a girls night. Kara has to leave in the middle to assist at a fire. She saves a man who was waiting for her in order to join the cult. 

Kara questions the cult leader, Coville, about telling people to put themselves at risk and have faith that Supergirl would save them. Coville figures out that Kara is Supergirl. She tells him to stop having these meetings. 

Sam feels guilty when work gets in the way of spending time with Ruby. 

Winn discovers that Coville essentially has a bomb. He believes Kara will save everyone in a packed stadium from it. The bomb has Kryptonite in it. Kara can't shut it down. Coville tries, but it doesn't turn off. Alex arrives and gets rid of the Kryptonite. Kara makes a hole in the ground and passes out. Alex and Coville push the bomb into the hole. 

Kara visits Coville in prison and he assures her he won't tell anyone who she is. He believes he is meant to help her. 

Alex admits to Kara that she wants kids. 

The bomb fell into the ocean and woke something that will lead to Sam becoming Reign. 

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