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Supernatural Review: Lethal Weapon

Critic's Rating: 4.7 / 5.0

It’s interesting to think that earlier in the Supernatural saga, it was Sam who appeared destined for darkness with his demonic blood powers and eventually the realization that he was Lucifer’s vessel.

At the same time, it was Dean on the flip side of that coin as Michael’s vessel.

Sure, the two eventually broke through the black and white concept of the apocalypse, but I find it creatively clever that Supernatural Season 9 seemingly has the Winchester brothers headed in the opposite direction.

Sam seems more aligned with the angels and grace, where Dean – especially after this recent episode – appears headed down a dark path with the demons.

But even so, I still think that their bond as brothers and their desire to fight for family will ring true in the end no matter what obstacles tear them apart or dilemmas rise up to meet them. At least I hope so.

A Sam Extraction

Supernatural Season 9 Episode 11 was a very entertaining shift in the story that maintained the hunt for Gadreel, but also reintroduced the other opponent causing problems: Abaddon.

And while I really enjoy seeing Sam and Dean together, their pairing off with Castiel and Crowley was fitting for their current paths and just plain fun to watch.

There was something very emotional and quiet when it came to Sam and Castiel working together. Sam wanted to do everything he could to stop Gadreel, even if that meant putting his life on the line in the process.

Yet, it was fantastic to see that Castiel’s time as a human had allowed him to cherish life and the occasional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It allowed him to understand the grief and the sorrow and the two were able to bond through it.

We often see Dean and Castiel have those type of moments, but here it was especially important to not only reiterate Sam and Dean’s choice of each other in Supernatural Season 8 Episode 23, but give Sam a chance to interact with the angel on a personal level.

Simultaneously, while it seemed rather a quick fix that Sam was fully healed, I appreciated that the retrieval of Gadreel’s left over grace didn’t receive that convenience factor. The tracking spell didn’t work, but even so, it wasn’t a deterrent for Sam and Castiel to stop their efforts.

Dean in a Fight
(The CW)

As much as I want Dean to not carry the burden of Kevin’s death, there’s something new and compelling about watching him act angry and charge headlong into danger.

He’s determined to find justice (revenge?) even if that means teaming up with Crowley, who can’t help but continue to spout off those wonderful one liners.

It’s always fun to go back and reference John Winchester, but I was pleasantly surprised by the end result of searching for the legendary first blade that could kill the knights of hell.

Kudos to the brilliant casting of Timothy Omundson (Psych fans rejoice!) as the father of murder, Cain. Maybe it was the beard, but his presence was perfect for the type of big name character to appear on the show.

He was scary without being goofy and mysterious enough that you wanted to know more, even if it could have cost Dean his life.

It definitely made Cain’s story about why he killed his brother Abel all the more fascinating and tragic. Doing it to save his brother? Is that a foreshadowing of something to come for Dean?

Either way, Cain was great to watch in simply watching Dean fight for his life against a group of demons.

I have to say, it feels like it’s been a while since we’ve gotten a good fight scene and this one certainly delivered. Even Crowley’s one kill amidst Dean’s “audition” for Cain fit in nicely.

I’m not surprised Crowley was playing the long con in manipulating Dean into getting the mark of Lucifer from Cain, but it does make me wonder if the further on Dean goes the more likely he will follow through and kill the king of hell. But will he be able to kill Cain when he calls on him? Will it all be worth it? Will it help him get back to working with Sam?

This was a powerhouse entry into Supernatural Season 9 and engrossing from start to finish. The statements about family, life and what they are fighting for were very relevant, as was the change in direction for the characters and story. This was the type of hour that has me excited to see what’s next.

What did you think of Cain?

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