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Supernatural Season Finale Review: Double Crosses and Cliffhangers

Critic's Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

Wait. What?

It’s hard not to be left speechless by the last moments of the Supernatural finale. It was such a drastic veering in another direction entirely, not only was I surprised, but I’m not sure what to make of it or what it means for the future of season eight.

For the most part the episode was pretty straightforward in its endeavors of finally trying to end Dick Roman’s master plan. Yes, the silent but deadly fattening up of the human race for Leviathan for consumption found its end. Right?

Apparently a grand scheme is only as good as its leader and without someone putting additives into creamer and killing off the skinny people, the black goo is now left to squiggle around aimlessly.

Supernatural Threesome
(Jack Rowand/The CW)

I certainly appreciated the idea surrounding the baddies from Purgatory, after all, what’s scarier than something you not only can’t kill, but have no idea is taking over the world. It’s clearly the ultimate worst form of an enemy anyone could possibly face. While I think the concept stood out on paper, the follow through was less impactful.

Simply put, the Leviathan (aside from when they first appeared in Castiel) lacked the ability to come off as scary or provide a true sense that they were the most nefariously clever and destructive. It just never really stuck with me and even their absence from a good portion of the episodes added to their flaws.

Which of course is nothing to take away from James Patrick Stuart who portrayed Dick Roman with as much smarminess, charm, and deviant form of board room corporate plotting that any character might be able to. He certainly oozed a confidence in laying out his master plan, but it was the Leviathan as a whole that really kept me from eagerly awaiting his scenes. If anything, I truly believe, his type of character would be perfect for some legal thriller or business focused television show. Stuart certainly had the evil grin down pat.

So, when it came time for Dick Roman to scoop his traveling gear and get to stepping (a la righteous bone with blood of the fallen through the neck) I was kind of glad. I truly expected the cliffhanger to end with the brothers unable to stop him, but the Leviathan seemed to get the quick sweep up and toss out. Of course, the majority of them are still out there, but they just don’t have a goal in mind anymore.

Maybe it lessens their presence sure, but it does bring the show back to Purgatory which I find immensely interesting.

I mean, how can Dean and the broken Castiel manage to escape? I know the brothers have been to heaven and hell and back, but Purgatory? The place where the souls of monsters battle it out for eternity? I have absolutely no idea how they are going to get out of this one. It was definitely a great way to leave viewers hanging and allowing us to mull over exactly what just happened. I’ll have images of dark woods laced with horrible red eyes in my head for a while.

(Jack Rowand/The CW)

I’m sure Sam has no idea what to do and with no sounding board or help in any corner, he truly is alone. What do you even do in that situation when the King of Hell manages another double cross, takes a prophet of God, and disappears without a care in the world. Not to mention that Bobby has finally passed on and the usual guardian angel is so messed up that he plays board games by himself, but is now trapped in a place without an easy exit.

The vengeful ghost of Bobby may have felt like it was quickly resolved and I wonder if his return was necessary for the plot, even if I missed his character. Either way, his final (is it really though?) moment was a solemn and sad sacrifice that the gruff man admitted needed to be done. You could tell the boys didn’t want it to happen but knew that Bobby wouldn’t have a happy ending without it. Bye, Bobby. Rest in Peace.

I was extremely happy when the Impala roared back onto the screen accompanied by the Born to Be Wild song. The car is truly its own iconic character and I’ve missed seeing the brothers race around in it.

Although it doesn’t seem as if even the vehicle can help Sam or even guide him in what to do? Is Crowley now in that position of power? What does he even need a prophet for? I’ve got a feeling the demons will be back next season and hopefully reignite the presence of the main story villain.

Survival of the Fittest” looked to tie up some lose ends and while not my favorite episode of the season, delivered some solid moments and a fantastic cliffhanger ending. There’s certainly a new positive direction the show can go after the defeat of Dick and while I’m excited to see what’s in store for Sam and Dean, I just wish we didn’t have to wait for next fall.

Guess we’ll just have to play Twister by ourselves until then.

What did you think of the finale? How will Dean get out of Purgatory? How will Sam cope? Are the Leviathan finished for good? Sound off below!

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