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SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Roman’s Six

Critic's Rating: 3.75 / 5.0

That was kind of fun.

Once again, the humor was spot on, with witticisms coming from all angles.

But the real stick in the eye was the Watchmaker picking off people that annoyed her one by one on SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 6.

Picking Off Open House Guests - SurrealEstate
(Derm Carberry/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

Although it wasn't in the least bit scary, there was a real Final Destination vibe right until the very end, and that's always welcome in my book.

The Final Destination series mastered the fakeout and showing the myriad of ways someone could meet their demise at any given moment.

SurrealEstate took that one step further by not only showing how they could die, by how they could die with a sharp stick in the eye.

I mean, really, how can you not love something that pokes fun at so many phrases?

Hard House to Sell - SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 6
(Derm Carberry/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

There's the classis, uttered by Zooey.

Zooey: It’s all fun and games until somebody pokes an eye out.

🔗 permalink: It’s all fun and games until somebody pokes an eye out.

Then there's the "You're gonna poke your eye out" sing-song from A Christmas Carol.

And let's not forget the classic, "It's better than a sharp stick in the eye."

I'd say that the biggest disappointment here was that they didn't incorporate more phrases of that sort into the dialogue. Still, though, they did have quite a few other zingers that hit the mark.

Mommy issues were still on the table, too.

Playing a Part - SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 6
(Derm Carberry/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

Somehow, it actually hurt when Luke used turned over this phrase.

Catherine: I thought you were a writer or one of those movie people. A commission-craving house hooker. What a disappointment.

Luke: I see you’ve been talkin’ to my mom.

🔗 permalink: I see you’ve been talkin’ to my mom.

And Susan gave Reece an icky feeling that he shared, as well.

Reece: I’m gettin’ real disappointed mom vibes of you, and I already got one of those. So, you’re gonna need to go.

🔗 permalink: I’m gettin’ real disappointed mom vibes of you, and I already got one of those. So, you’re…

Luke and Megan are still going strong; they're close enough that she's comfortable teasing him about his mother sharing her house and still fresh enough that she's uncomfortable making a joke about parents messing up your life.

It's sweet, and their relationship feels natural.

This time out, Megan as eve incorporated into the latest supernatural oddity and real estate transaction.

Annoyed Susan - SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 6
(Derm Carberry/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

Luke's been trying to help to help her find a replacement so she coould leave his mother and the demon well behind.

You'd think it wouldn't be too hard to find a new place in that quaint town, but Megan is looking at houses while Luke wants to show her condos. Get a grip, Luke. Your girl likes her privacy.

Shouldn't Luke have surmised that Megan might have been interested in Catherine's house?

It was a very cute house, and its style was reminiscent of the house she's trying to sell.

If nothing else, it seems like she's got a type. Troubled!

Dude Man Dude - SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 6
(Derm Carberry/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

Somehow, Catherine Owens meandered through life killing people with a stick in the eye and nobody ever put two and two together before Roman Real Estate came on board.

The real surprise is that she was eventually caught and prosecuted for a death she caused, even if there was limited evidence proving it.

I absolutely loved her line about the murder weapon. "I didn't even know I owned a murder weapon." I'm not sure why that struck me, but every time someone is questioned on TV about having such a weapon, that's going to spring to mind.

They used Megan's involvement to increase the tension, and even if the scene didn't play out to make it seems like she was truly a goner, it was a decent lark.

And it's worth mentioning that Tim Rozon with a grey scruff to look haggard and grief-stricken was a nice change of pace, too. It fooled Catherine, and the jig was up.

What to Watch: Ordinary Joe, The Big Leap, Goliath

SurrealEsate is falling into a little routine now, a part of which requires Susan to be off on her own with a separate property.

That's likely because Sarah Levy gets top billing beside Tim Rozon, but it keeps her perpetually, well, annoying.

We just have to accept that she'll never fully fit into Roman Real Estate no matter how many apologies she issues or how many times she momentarily grows closer to another member of the firm.

OK. You've probably already accepted it. Now it's my turn.

After everything that Susan and Zooey shared during SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 4, Zooey was still all too excited that Susan couldn't do something on her own.

Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin – The 100

Then again, Zooey often gets bypassed and left behind, and begging for something to do isn't her style.

She's got a good persona to appeal to the younger kids as she did with Reece. And where have we seen that guy before? There isn't a credit for him on IMDB under Reece, and he's so familiar.

There wasn't much to that particular haunting other than the previous owner, and it was too damned easy to suss out he was dead.

Not only did they use the telltale scattered video feed, but Mr. Calabasas used phrases like "I can't rest," and "Now I can move on."

With their line of business, that should have been a dead giveaway. There's got to be a reason they call them dead giveaways, right?

Hands Down - SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 6
(Derm Carberry/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY)

When you round it all off with how the team worked together to create the illusion of Megan's death to drive the Watchmaker out of her mind, it was well worth the time invested to watch it.

What did you think?

Did they psych you out with Megan's rebar-through-the-eye death?

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