Susan asks Luke about their latest case. He's more impressed with the lifetime achievement she's getting tomorrow.
Phil is arguing with Anthony on the phone about meatloaf.
They're getting ready to wrap up their Roadie case. It was the Jackson House, which they studied for two weeks. The Roadie is a demon jumping from body to body, trying to find a suitable new host. If the Jacksons stay in the house long enough, Roadie's can take over. As they're discussing how bad it can get, the breach alarm sounds, leaving them drenched in red light.
They're stuck there until they find out which of them is the host. Susan is the one complaining, and she's the first they look at. The host never knows until it's left holding the host.
The children who killed their parents were Mary Kay and Ashley. Haha!
August has a cat named Schroedinger.
Luke calls Megan to tell her he'll be late.
Susan is worried because tomorrow is her night, and there are certain personal things she needs to do before it. Namely, exfoliation. He doesn't want her to be giving her acceptance speech when a Roadie pops out.
Everyone is talking with their SOs about being late, and it's not going well when August feels something.
Oh, the Roadie is kind of like the Kitsune or the Wendigo.
The food is here, but Larry won't come up since the elevator isn't working. Susan has to call because he has a crush on her.
August needs to leave the room, and Zooey accompanies him. She's looking at specimens, and when she says she doesn't understand most of his gizmos, he launches into her with a cutting assessment. When she leaves to talk on the phone, he gets a weapon and closes the door with his black eyes beaming.
It looks like they might all have a little piece of Roadie in them if how Phil texted Anthony is any indication. He asked how many chardonnay's he was talking to. Ouch!
Zooey is having a rather bad conversation with her boyfriend, too. He's breaking up with her. She checks on Auggie, but she's pulled away violently before August tells Luke they have a problem.
He says they need to find the blades to a food processor after feeling something in his body. The demon focused on them, and August dulled them, but he's worried he might have done to her what those boys did with Jackson.
Everyone looks for Zooey, but she's picked her demon ass up and looks at houses on Luke's laptop.
Zooey returns much like Auggie did. She recalls nothing after talking on the phone with Jeffrey.
The news found a link between something that happened a year ago and the Jacksons' trauma. They were both clients of The Roman Agency.
Luke is dreaming of dancing with his mother, who then strangles him. He wakes up when Megan arrives with the food processor.
They didn't know that the security guy had a key, so she's stuck with them again.
August and Zooey are together again, discussing that Zooey has a time, and that type isn't impressive.
Zooey really took August's comment about being needy to heart.
Luke has had this connection to supernatural things all his life. Sometimes, people around him can even see and listen to them just because he's near. Apparently, he didn't listen close enough at the Travis house, and he can't forgive himself for it.
What a waste, Susan says. It looks like it's her turn to be demonized. She says he's just like those houses they're trying to sell — damaged, horribly damaged.
Susan says that Megan should be buying lottery tickets since she's so lucky that she went from Brock to Luke.
Phil asks everyone if they're possessed, and Susan drew the lucky card. She's attacking everyone!
The demon makes the host say what they're thinking.
When Luke grabs Susan, it passes to him, and then August sucks it out with a gizmo.
Zooey wants everyone to remember that they said some really nasty shit to each other, and they meant it.
Susan tells everyone that they don't need to go to the Platinum Ring of Esteem Awards tomorrow since they've been through a lot. But, as they all look after her dolefully, you can see that they're going to arrive.
At the awards, a bitch is laughing at Susan for bringing her mother to the awards. Her former married guy offers to speak to Susan about how sad it is that she's alone.
Bob doesn't want her to mention her current agency and that gang of weirdos, which will embarrass her and everyone around her.
Just as the award portion of the evening begins, The Roman Agency posse enters the room, each one looking smashing.
Zooey drinks right from the bottle while Susan gives an excellent speech. She is a very lonely person, and The Roman Group might be the only friends she's had. But there is a problem. Megan's muscles start twitching.
When Susan descends from the stage, she looks at Bob's table, which goes up in flames.
Phil and Anthony are on the way to being parents as the adoption agency loved them.
Phil can't help but feel something about last night was problematic.
Luke's coat is awesome.
Susan wonders what they will do after that news story because it's going to kill them.
Susan says she always tries so hard to make people like her, and Luke says even on her worst day, he likes her a lot.
Megan wants to go to her place, and she does, alone, after she called an uber. He's dumbfounded, but she's possessed.