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SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 8 Recap: Baba O’Reilly

In the '50s, a girl is dancing aqround her living room. The music stops, and she clutches at her heart. She falls down at the front door. Please, it's time for me to go, she says. With determination, she opens the front door and steps through into radio waves and such.

Outside the front door of 113 Bathory Lane, an old woman is dead.

The team is trying to regroup after the derogatory newspaper article. Luke isn't taking it well, and clients are dropping like flies.

Luke takes a little comfort knowing that Bob Livingston will have to deal with a home in which a woman with horse legs clip clops down the hallway every night at a particular time.

Zooey, Phil, and Aggie want Susan to tell Luke it's not his fault.

Luke is at Funland bowling with his father giving advice Luke doesn't want.

Luke wonders what he would have been like if he had been born a normal kid. Dad takes a little offense because if he couldn't see him, then where would they be?

Dad assures him that Luke was a normal kid, and even if he wasn't, he would still have loved him so much. He doesn't think that the woman he knew and loved would have ever called Luke a disappointment and a failure. She was in pain, but she was never cruel.

Susan arrives with her own bowling bag. She's a ringer!

Luke is tired. The challenging homes take up most of their time but account for a small portion of their listings. He's ready to give it all up to sell regular houses. But Susan thinks they're doing real, existential good, so she wants him to think about what he's consdiering.

She stays behind to bowl one more ball, and she leaves a split. She does one of those Lucky Stars kicks and the balls fall.

Megan is still full of demon.

Aunt Nellie was the woman who died. He grew up in that neighborhood and made extra money cutting their lawn. He never met Nellie, and he later learned that his dad was paying him.

Luke is excited it's a nice, normal house. Uh oh.

Megan calls looking for Luke. She says there's a big problem with the house, and since Susan is nearby, she asks if she can drop by.

Luke goes into Nellie's house. Once inside, he is young and doesn't remember how he got there.

Auggie left his bag of tricks in Susan's trunk.

Phil discovers Nellie inherited the house at 16 when her parents died in a freak accident. The police report showed that they each fell out of two different attic windows at the same time.

Social services was called to the house, but nobody could ever lure her outside. When she was found outside, it's the first time anyone had seen there there.

Megan's house looks like it was ransacked. Susan thinks it's time for Megan to get out of the house.

Megan suddenly has 12 messages on her phone. She doesn't know how she missed them. Where has she been??

Zooey, Phil, and August go to the house to find Luke. Inside, they're all young versions of themselves. Zooey wants to leave, but when she opens the house, it's that stuff that Nellie walked into.

August is so excited about a top of the line Commodore 64 and some pot that he finds in an office.

Another room has red licorice strips, Phil's favorite candy of all time.

On the bookshelf, he finds "Catholic and Gay" and realizes that all of his favorite things are in that room. Zooey decides to venture elsewhere, stopping at a room with a skull on the door.

Inside is an activist's dream.

They hear someone screaming, and the three of them converge to discover the source. It's Luke, playing a video game.

Megan cannot remember the night at the awards after Susan left the podium. The next thing she remembers is waking up on the couch.

Susan has the bag of tricks, and when she removes the thing that sucks in entities, Megan is taken aback.

They're all 16 in the house but born in 1965, 1984, and 1998. It's Zooey who realizes that it's the house.

It reads their desires and provides.

Susan realizes that Megan is drawing circles just like the Jackson kids' drawings. When she says her name, Megan's head turns all around on her neck.

Zooey next realizes that the house is faking it. She's outta here. But the house fights back. She's grabbed and pulled out of the house by her feet into that ether.

The Roadie had three lives, and there's only one left. It's jumping back and forth between Susan and Megan as they play hot potato with the sucking gizmo.

After Zooey, Phil and August are sucked out of the house. The house isn't strong enough to service a party of four. They need to work hard to get Luke out of there because the house will glamour Luke for his eternity.

He enters a dark room with one round of golf. Inside is middle-aged Luke. MA Luke tries to convince Luke that he'll never have it as good on the outside as he does inside.

Luke has to say it out loud for the house to understand that his desire is to stay.

Outside, they're trying to get his attention. A rock rolls to Luke's feet, and when he asks about his friends, his elder self slams him, saying he'll be alone forever. He'll never have a vaction and will be burnt out.

Luke decided to help. He wasn't cajoled into his craft. Elder Luke doesn't like him talking back, though. He tries again to get the kid to stay. Outside are the all of the complications of life swirling, all of the pain and misery. He walks right out of the door.

Luke called the house on its bullshit.

As Susan and Megan arrive, Luke says the glamour is broken.

After spending time in the house, he doesn't want to go legit. They all agree that they were built for a particular job. It's time to kick some ass, so they better rest up.

The Roman Agency office, though, shows that Megan's house is full of activity. And hello. JUMP SCARE!! It got me. It really got me.

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