Emmett's new girlfriend ignites skepticism in Bay while Daphne runs into someone from her past.
Daphne chooses Campbell and she wants to continue her community service until the guy who attacked her in the food truck shows up as a patient in the clinic.
Regina stands up to Wes and when he discovers she tells a shop owner to see an attorney he kicks her off the project, asks for the car back and a $50,000 cashiers check by the end of the next day. Angelo is no help.
Kathryn’s pages are leaked and she first blames Renzo and their friendship is in question. She then learns it was her publisher that leaked the pages and the public is going wild for them.
Toby decides not to sit around and mope but to go get the girl. When Kathryn talks him out of it, he exchanges his ticket for one to Iceland.
Bay gets Tank’s help with Emmett’s friend Mandy using a reverse image search. She discovers Mandy is Matthew’s cousin and he has set up Emmett because he got him suspended. He films him and plans on putting it on the internet.
Bay again tells Tank how it disgusts her that Tank still wants to be friends with a bunch of guys who would have blackballed him for the dogfight party when he had done so much more for them proving their friendship was of the utmost importance. He eventually realizes she’s right and de-pledges the fraternity. He’s totally excited, but Bay is in the arms of Emmett.