What a season!
While there were some missed opportunities, Ted Lasso Season 2 supplied us with plenty of gut-busting laughs and gut-wrenching tears.
Let's take a look at some of the highlights.

The Episode Deserving Of More Credit
Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 4 receives flack for being a sweet Christmas story without contributing much to the ongoing arcs. In hindsight, it set up some critical plot beats.
Nate's Christmas present factors into the nasty dissolution of his and Ted's relationship, personally and professionally. Ted watching It's A Wonderful Life foreshadows the reveal about Ted's dad.
Roy's irritation at the fan who wants a picture of Keeley only sets up his reaction to being excluded from the Vanity Fair article and his fear Keeley will leave him behind.

It's so very Ted Lasso for an installment some criticize as sugary filler to have more layers than first impressions suggest.
Best Lasso Speech
Ever get the feeling the reporters at the press conferences are more interested in hearing Ted's speeches than they are in discussing the matches? Who can blame them — they are quotable and full of good advice.
Although all of Ted's speeches are excellent, the one he gives in honor of Earl stands out. It's more personal, and Ted seems more vulnerable than usual as he delivers it.

The speech itself does a great job of establishing this season's themes, and the words resonate even more on repeat viewing.
Most Valuable Player
Ted Lasso fans may be divided over the worthiness of Richmond's Christmas escapades and the Sam and Rebecca ship, but there is one thing they can all agree on. Roy Kent is a f**king legend!
As tremendous and Emmy-deserving as Brett Goldstein was for his portrayal of Roy for Ted Lasso Season 1, he is even better on Ted Lasso Season 2.

He plays so many roles on the show: emotional center, romantic lead, father figure, comic relief, the coolest guy in the room, and so on. Other players can step up to fill the Rent-Kent-sized void on the pitch, but the show can't go on without Roy Kent.
The Character Development So Sneaky And Salty It's Like Heather Locklear On Melrose Place
Oh, Nate, he went from loveable underdog to Darth Vader. As tragic as it is to witness, the arc is well written.
The key thing is the writers don't sell out Nate. His control-freak tendencies, his need to show everyone he's the cleverest person in the room, and the cruel insults were always part of the character.

But those traits are viewed differently now compared to when Nate was the beleaguered, bullied kit man.
It's a brutal, fascinating, and honest exploration of how success does not always change someone for the better.
Rookie of the Year
Dr. Sharon Fieldstone came to Richmond and kicked a**. She reminded Dani that "Fúbol is life." She gave Collin's mantra a seal of approval. She helped Ted come to terms with his father's suicide.

She is fascinating as both a foil to Ted and as a heroine in her own right. She tested Ted's ideals. In the process, she stretched her own and became a better therapist.
Plus, Sarah Niles is an excellent scene partner for Jason Sudeikis.
Honorable mention goes to Jan Maas for being Dutch.
The P***k Who Should Die From the Uncurable Condition Of Being A Little B***h

For a show dedicated to helping people become the best version of themselves, there's serious competition for this accolade.
Both Nate and Rupert committed grievous sins. Nate leaked Ted's panic attack to the press. Rupert showed up at Mr. Welton's funeral to torment Rebecca and set his latest evil scheme in motion.
However, the accolade goes to James Tartt for nearly murdering Beard on top of being an abusive father. Sorry, Higgins, there's no loving Tartt Sr. for who he is or forgiving him for what he isn't.
The Storyline That Failed To Make The Extra Pass
Sam leading Richmond to protest Dubai Air for their parent company's environmental practices is wonderfully executed and nicely dovetails with Rebecca reconnecting with Nora and Jamie's reintegration with the team. It's the aftermath that's disappointing.

13 TV Dads Who Didn’t Live Long Enough To Meet Their Child
You would think there would be more fallout from the club losing their biggest sponsor, but it's glossed over. More attention could have generated some juicy stories for the characters on the business side of things: Rebecca, Higgins, and Keeley.
It's a surprising move, for once not in a good way, for a show that generally stresses how the right thing isn't always the happiest.
The Punchline Worth The Wait
On Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 1, Higgins mentions Richmond's biggest rival, Brentford, sent over Thai food to mock them for their long tie streak.

Fast forward to Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 12; it's Richmond versus Brentford in the match to determine if Richmond will be promoted. The best outcome happened. It ends in a tie, and Richmond is promoted — celestial payback at its finest.
Hopefully, after the match, Higgins sent some Thai food to Brentford as consolation.
Funniest Ted Doesn't Understand Football Joke
Yes, Ted needs to buckle down and have a better understanding of football. However, Ted Lasso Season 2 still found ways to wring out the laughs from his continued inability to understand the game.

The funniest is his confusion about offside at the start of the Man City match.
The humor doesn't derive from Ted's ignorance. It's funny because the offside rule is extraordinarily confusing and controversial. It's the football equivalent of the Rule Against Perpetuities.
The Moment So Romantic It Made You Feel Like You Were Struck By F**king Lightning
The great love story of Ted Lasso Season 2 wasn't Roy and Keeley, Sam and Rebecca, or Beard and Jane. It was between Roy Kent and coaching. It deserved the rom-com treatment.
Roy's love for coaching epiphany is executed flawlessly!

Ted may have had Roy at coaching, but the swooning started when Roy walked out of the pundit gig while "She's a Rainbow" played in the background and lasted long after taking his place with the other coaches.
Best Reaction Shot From Coach Beard
When it comes to providing gif-worthy reactions, Beard is your man. Any scene featuring a reaction shot from Beard is hilarious.
There are many great Beard reaction shots to choose from. His reactions to Roy joining the coaching staff or Roy thinking the Diamond Dogs are cool, for instance.
However, nothing beats his "Can you believe this guy" face from when Nate confesses to kissing Keeley but not for leaking the story of Ted's panic attack to the press. The eyeroll is impressive.

Best Richmond Shows They Have F**king Pride In Their Shirt Moment
This has been a tough year for our mustached hero. He grappled with the demons of his past, suffered betrayal, and had his ideals tested.
When it seemed like everything Ted built would be for nothing, the players — led by team captain Isaac — put their hands on the BELIEVE sign.
It's a moving tribute from the players to their coach, showing they believe in his ideals and their love for Richmond.

Overall Grade: A
Ted Lasso continues to be a delight! It's as heartfelt and inspirational as ever. The show stepped up its comedy game and took more significant storytelling risks. It challenged the characters and the audience. Continue to BELIEVE in Ted Lasso.
Over to you, TV Fanatics!
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