And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of Teen Wolf.
On Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 20, the pack came together and defeated Gerard and the anuke-ite. I don't know about you, but I could have gone my entire life without watching Scott McCall blind himself with his claws.
You know, if you ignore all the problems with these final ten episodes – the lack of repercussions and overall pacing – then the finale is pretty good.
It's a lot of fun to watch, mainly because (most) our favorites are back. Sadly, Isaac and his scarves didn't make an appearance, and neither did Danny nor Kira.
The scene with Stiles updating Lydia, Malia, and Scott about his time at Quantico and how he "saved" Derek's ass, for instance, was absolutely fantastic. I mean as if the story itself wasn't funny enough, we had Derek correcting Stiles, and Lydia, Malia, and Scott reacting to the story.
That conversation was a masterpiece. It was hilarious and a reminder of what the show used to be.
We needed a scene like that in the finale; a callback to earlier times and a chance to catch our breaths and laugh. Yes, the final fight was upon them, but you need a little levity before going into battle, right?
Stiles: So literally day one of my internship and up comes this slide about this guy they have been chasing in the woods in North America.
Malia: I thought you were in South America.
Derek: I was. The bodies of the werewolves I told you about? They blamed me.
Stiles: So I learned that the FBI has cornered this feral, mass murdering unsub.
Derek: I found a group of hunters gathering in a meeting place. I was trying to get information.
Stiles: Well the FBI found out about it too, and they were planning a SWAT assault to take him down, dead or alive, and, as we all know though, with Derek it’s preferably dead.
Derek: Preferably.
Stiles: So I convinced them to take me on the field op.
Lydia: You convinced the FBI to bring an intern onto an extremely dangerous field operation?
Derek: I’m surprised he didn’t convince them that he could lead it.
Stiles: I tried. It didn’t work. Anyway, long story short, I basically, you know, had to save his life.
Derek: That’s not how it happened.
Stiles: Yeah, I may have left out a detail, but that’s the gist of what happened. That’s the essential essence of it.
Derek: You couldn’t walk.
Stiles: I was limping.
Derek: You couldn’t walk, and I know that because I was carrying you.
Stiles: They shot my toe! You want to see it? My toe was caught in the crossfire. It was obliterated.
🔗 permalink: They shot my toe! You want to see it? My toe was caught in the crossfire. It was obliterated.
Things would not have felt right if everyone jumped into action without first catching each other up on the events of their lives. Stiles always, always, makes time for sarcasm. It's just who he is.
All the reunions in this finale were what we hoped to see more of throughout the final ten episodes. But hey, at least we finally got them.
But, of course, you can't ignore the problems the final ten episodes have had.
Argent, Kate, and Derek were in Brazil on Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 21, but somehow they both managed to show up in Beacon Hills in what seemed like an instant. Derek left saying he was going to track down Kate, but somehow there was an FBI raid and road trip to Beacon Hills that happened somewhere in between.

You'd like to hope that the Brazil trip actually happened earlier than the Deucalion blind fighting training, but it's hard to believe that because there's no logical place to put that trip. It's something we're expected just to jump over and not think too hard about.
It's just like how Stiles and Derek showed up in Roscoe, even though Stiles gave Roscoe to Scott. Perhaps Scott left Roscoe at home, and when Stiles and Derek first arrived in Beacon Hills, they went to Scott's house first. It was there that Stiles decided to take Roscoe out for a drive.
You really shouldn't have to make leaps to attempt to rationalize how events happened, but, hey, this is Teen Wolf we're talking about.

Instead of closing out the series with an ending, Teen Wolf gives us a continuation.
It was a glimpse into what Scott and the pack's future looks like. They are all still working together; they are still a pack that's growing and fighting the good fight.
It is a fitting ending. We started this journey with Scott being bitten, and now, over the course of six seasons, we've witnessed Scott grow into a true alpha, an alpha who has made his own beta, who has led his pack through multiple wars and come out the other side.
The ending showcased that Scott's a badass alpha that's taking the fight and expanding his pack outside of Beacon Hills.

Teen Wolf has always been about Scott's journey, but, of course, we fell in love with his friends along the way. While some shippers might have hoped for proof that their ship has and will forever sail, the ending leaves it open to fans' interpretations.
You can assume that since Stiles and Lydia drove up together at the very end that they're dating, or you can just think they happened to catch a ride together if Stydia isn't your cup of tea.
Scott: I’m going to tell you a story, maybe it will sound familiar. There was this kid, 16, alone, and running for his life. He couldn’t see them, but he could hear them getting closer. They had guns, crossbows. They were hunting him. It started on the night of the full moon. Something came at him. Something bit him, and it changed his life. It changed everything.
🔗 permalink: I’m going to tell you a story, maybe it will sound familiar. There was this kid, 16, alone,…
There's no right or wrong answer here, and personally, I like that about the finale. All that matters is that our pack is still together, fighting the good fight, no matter where they all might be in life.
When their pack needs them, everyone shows up. Now, if only someone could give Liam a haircut…
What did you think of the series finale of Teen Wolf? Which reunion was your favorite? Are you happy with how it ended?
Share your thoughts and favorite moment in the comments below.
My favorite moments are Noah's BAMF takedown of the deputies, Finstock's heroic moment, Derek and Scott's hug, and Stiles and Derek recounting how they met up.
Remember you can watch Teen Wolf online via TV Fanatic.