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The 100 Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Shifting Sands

Clarke and Bellamy end up following Octavia's clan through the desert to save Raven and Murphy. Octavia is focused on getting that last land for herself.

Meanwhile, Charmaine introduces Kane and Abby to Vinson. She also talks to Kane about her past while McCreary comes to Abby looking for a cure based on their black spots from the mining that they do. 

Zeke saves Raven and Murphy from torture but they figure out that he is still trying to save himself by not mentioning that he blocked them from killing everyone. Raven comes up with a plan where Murphy runs off, and meets up with the Space Crew.

He realizes though that they can track him so he gets out and Emori stays with him.

Raven and Zeke are still trapped on the ship.

The desert group run into issues when something emerges from one of the guards stomachs, it attacks Octavia but Clarke saves her. They push through the desert even though they have glass thrown at them and Octavia in pain. 

Octavia tells Bellamy she is glad he is alive but then threatens his life if he goes against her clan.

Bellamy and Clarke reunite with their people, with Bellamy and Echo causing both Clarke and Octavia to have interesting reactions. 

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