Harris brings home a guy, Josh, whom has been attending protests with her. Darlene wants to know more about him.
Jackie and Becky grill him.
Josh tells them they're "just hangin'."
They report back to Darlene who is excited Josh has her first real boyfriend.
She needs to learn more.
Ben offers to help Becky build a new closet in her basement bedroom. Becky says they can't tell Dan because she wants to surprise him since he thinks he has to do everything around the house.
Later, Darlene and Dan are conversing with Harris and Josh, who is a very experienced protestor, which concerns Darlene and Dan.
While Becky and Ben are building the closet, Dan walks in and gets upset that they're doing it wrong. Now he demands that everyone has to ask him before trying to do things to the house.
Jackie and Darlene look up Josh's social media. They don't find anything weird. Mark enters and explains they ought to be looking at what their parents or drunk friends post. He discovers Josh lives in a nice yacht.
They discover Josh does attend lots of protests, but also has lots of ladyfriends. They think he's using Harris as his poverty protest poster girl and will dump her when it's over.
Becky confronts Dan, asking why he got so angry about the closet. He says he doesn't want them doing things without him because they think he's getting old.
Darlene finds Harris at a protest the protest site where she is staying the night in a tent with Josh. SHe tells Harris she is rich. She also explains Josh won't help her if they get arrested because he has many girlfriends, one for each cause, and is using Harris to be his poor white girl for the cause.
Harris insults Darlene, saying she doesn't want to be anything like her, and that she has nothing to learn from her.
Becky tells Ben about her conversation with Ben. She tells Ben to tell Dan that Ben sucks at building things and needs Dan's help, even though he doesn't.
Ben approaches Dan in the basement room to see he's already begun building the closet. He admits Dan is better at it and maybe he can learn at his feet.
Dan offers to let Ben fix the roof instead.
Darlene comes home and tells Dan about her conversation with Harris. Dan comforts Darlene by telling her Harris will definitely come running back.
Another day, Harris and Josh are at the house with the family who is enjoying making fun at Josh's expense. Dan threatens Josh about treating his daughter right if he breaks up with her.