A young Winston and Frakie make a molotov cocktail and throw it inside a buidling with people. Winston starts crying.
Winston and Miles cremate Frankie's body.
In Vietnam during the war, Yen is dressed up in a bomb and sent to an American soldiers' camp. There, she meets Frankie.
Lou beats up some Chinese gangsters.
Mayhew tells KD to stop chasing after Frankie claiming that Frankie's MIA.
Winston asks Lou and Miles to help him kill Cormac.
Yen wakes up and is furious to learn about Frankie.
KD tracks down Frankie's body in the morgue but doesn't find it. She extracts some information from an attedant who reveals that the body was cremated.
Adjudicator pays Cormac a visit and warns him about the lost coin press.
Miles enlists a hitman into their cause. The man is a sniper.
Cormac's men toss Charlie's trailer park looking for the coin press.
Winston pays Mazzy a visit and asks for her help. She is in charge of the invisible army of undesirables in the street.
Cormac's men invade Frankie's place and find Yen. She kills them all.
Yen returns with a map of The Continental. The group plans how to invade the place.
KD visits Mayhew at home and blackmails him.
Thomas and Charon talk about their lives. Thomas has been offered a place in an Irish music conservatory and wants Charon to come with him but Charon turns him down.
Lou meets wiht the leader of the Chinese gang who tells her to leave Chinatown.
Winston talks to Charon asking his help to take Cormac down.
Thomas says goodbye to Cormac but mentions their conversation about Charon leaving. Cormac kills Thomas as he plays the cello.
Charon find Thomas' dead body. He talks to Cormac about the meeting with Winston.