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The Defenders Review: “Nevada v. Hunter”

Critic's Rating: 4.2 / 5.0

Dan Aykroyd made good use of his guest spot in this week’s episode, “Nevada v. Hunter.”

I know that last week I was disappointed that he only appeared for a few minutes. I felt that it was a waste of talent. However, I didn’t know that the episode was only setting his character up for full coverage the following week.

It did not disappoint.

The Defenders of Vegas

In fact, it was enjoyable to watch Judge Max Hunter be obnoxious, pushy, and somewhat of a know it all. He’s one of those guys that you love to hate.

Nick’s difficulties with Max extended the entire episode. From going over simple facts to being interrupted in the courtroom, the Judge made it extremely exhausting to help him out.

Nick’s frustrations were understandable and as much as I’d have a similar reaction to Max’s bossiness, it was funny to watch.

It became so much of a burden, that Nick decided it was best to ignore his client altogether. He’d sit in the dark and go over the case, rather than have Max be apart of the process.


It was great that Pete’s friend Tony had another part to play in this episode. Kuno Becker is a good actor and he brings another different personality to the group. Hopefully, he can stick around for a few more episodes to help out.

Lisa was finally given something to do again, but that meant Pete took an extreme back seat. He made a few one-liners, but mostly seemed absent. Lisa, though, took her case to heart and it set itself up for next week.

I do like that The Defenders is establishing itself continuity by linking together some of its episodes. I’m not sure if it’s necessary, but it illustrates a focus for the characters as more than simply pawns for the case of the week.

Finally, it will be interesting to see if Dan Aykroyd returns to reprise Max Hunter. The door was clearly left open for his character, especially with his sights set on the DA position. The rapport between Max and Nick was great, but I wouldn’t want his character to take away from Pete’s role in the series.

Overall, it was a pretty good episode. The show is still attempting to try a few new things, but I like that there remains focus on the characters. That’s why I like to tune in. As for its airtime on Friday nights, hopefully viewership and ratings can be enough for it to stick around. It would be disappointing to see it get booted from the air so soon.

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