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The Defenders Review: “Noland v. Galloway Pharmaceuticals”

Critic's Rating: 3.7 / 5.0

Lisa took on a major character role on “Noland v. Galloway Pharmaceuticals.” First, she finally received a little romantic involvement with the ADA from last week’s episode.

Following in Pete’s footsteps perhaps?

Why she likes him, I don’t know. However, he does serve a purpose in proposing an intriguing job offer to work for the DA’s office. She’s literally in bed with the enemy.

The Good Guys in Vegas

Lisa even seemed to be heading the food allergy case that began last week. It was interesting to see her disagree with Nick for the sake of her client (which was actually their client). Was it because the client was a woman?

She’s only been working with Nick and Pete for 6 months, so it’s a little surprising she’d be quick to argue on which case to try first. After all, they are in charge.

To be honest, I understood both sides of the argument.

It made sense to worry about the case with the brain damaged boy because a win seemed more likely. It also meant a better opportunity for the food allergy client to win her case if Nick and Pete garnered that first win.

However, I also saw how putting your first client on the backburner could seem rather lacking in compassion and care. Plus, the client was worried about medical bills that continued to pile up and couldn’t wait for a trial.


I was surprised that the first client ditched Nick and Pete for a new lawyer. I was further surprised by the turn of events that made it seem like Nick might have messed up a victory for his other client.

How can the Defenders lose the case?

I shouldn’t have feared because Nick and Pete pulled away with a solid win in the end.

In a bold set of court theatrics, Nick was able to illustrate how confusing similar looking epinephrine bottles can appear in a time of emergency. Pete eating the food in court and immediately having a reaction was certainly an extreme way to prove a point, but it did make it visible to the jury.

It’s hard to believe that a small change in epinephrine dosage can mean the difference between a life saved and a life full of brain damage, or worse, even death.

Despite Kuno Becker’s small screen time, I am enjoying his character of Tony. He is a great addition to the team, especially because his skills at finding out pieces of information are a needed part for Nick and Pete. Plus, he brings another type of personality to the bunch.

This was another relatively decent episode, but it was missing some of the usual laugh moments with its characters. Pete needs to return to the forefront and reignite some of the banter that’s fueled the better episodes of the season. That’ll be a win in my book.

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