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The Equalizer Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Hunting Grounds

Robyn realizes a missing woman could be a potential murder victim.

After some digging, she realizes that women are being killed seven days after going missing.

Robyn turns to Dante for help and they slowly learn more about each other's lives.

Dante says that, in order to succeed at his job, he puts the weight in his keys.

Robyn starts doing the same, and things took a considerable turn.

In the end, Robyn's methods conflicted with Dante's, and the pair found themselves on the outs with each other.

The D.A. starts digging into Robyn when she learns that she's a vigilante.

She asks Dante about what they've been doing and he tells her there's more to it than meets the eye.

He promises to tell her everything there is to know.

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