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The Event Season 1 Episode 1 Recap: Pilot

The episode begins at 5pm when some major event happens. We cut back 23 minutes with a man, Sean Walker boards a plane and is freaking out.

Flashing back, Sean Walker and his girlfriend, Leila, are about to board a cruise. Before they leave, Sean asks her father if he can have his blessing and he happily agrees.

Back to the present, Sean holds up the plane with a gun.  He tries to get the pilot to open up the cockpit, but an Air Marshall is on plane and disarms him.

In another flashback, Sean is just about to propose to Leila when they hear a man scream. The guys girlfriend is in the ocean and Sean jumps in and saves her. After many drinks they head back to their room on the cruise.

Simon Lee is trying to stop flight 514 he gets to the airport a second too late and the plane takes off.

13 months earlier Simon and Sophia Maguire are in discussion about the “event” before she gets hulled back to prison.

President Elias Martinez is having vacation in Coral Gables, FL when the President gets called in to talk to his cabinet.  Blake Sterling begs the President not to let “them out”.

Cut to 13 months earlier, Eli and Blake are having an argument about the Mount Inostranka Detention Facility that holds 97 prisoners. Blake takes the President to the top secret location to see what it’s all about.   When he gets there, he is introduced to Sophia.

Later as they are about to give a press conference, they get word of the plane about to crash into where the President is with his family.  

Michael Buchanan is Leila father. He and his wife are talking about Sean when a group of people come into their house and start shooting at them. The scene cuts to him boarding the same flight that Sean is on as the co-pilot.

The scene cuts back to Sean and the Marshall trying to get into the cockpit. Mike overrides the system so they can’t come in.  They realize that they’re going to shoot them down.

The scene cuts to seven days earlier when Sean went snorkeling with their new friend. Leila missed out because she felt sick. When he gets back to the hotel room, his key won’t open the door.  He goes to the front desk and says that someone else is staying in his room.

When security takes him up, there is another couple staying in his room. He tries to get her to answer her cell, but it is disconnected.  

The scene cuts to Sean in the plane. He tries to tell Mike that he can still change this and he doesn’t need to crash the plane, but Mike ignores Sean.

The plane is just about to crash when a huge bolt of white light makes the plane vanish into thin air.

Sophia tells the President that there’s much more he doesn’t know.

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