The plane reappears and lands on some disserted plain. The plane catches on fire and Sear is able to get everyone off of the plane.
Four days earlier, Michael is being held hostage and Vicky is holding a gun to Leila’s head. The hostages tell Michael they will kill both his daughters unless he flies the plane.
Back to the present, Michael informs Sean of this and tells him he’s the only one who will be able to find Leila.
President Martinez is more concerned about what happened than who was trying to kill him. Thirteen months earlier, the President is meeting with his Intelligence cabinet. Blake tells them that a plane crashed years ago with a bunch of aliens that look exactly like humans, but their genetics differ at about 1%.
In the stream of pictures, Sophia is also one of them.
Sean has a flash back to a week ago aboard the cruise. Leila encourages Sean to go on the scuba adventure with Vicky. Greg comes to visit and before he starts to get physical, the secret men come in and kill Greg and take Leila hostage.
The time flashes back to 1944 when the spaceship lands in Alaska. Sophia tells her partner to run and escape before they all get caught.
Back to the present, the President questions Sophia what her true intentions are. She warns him that he people have been waiting over sixty years to escape and they’re growing impatient.
Sean is trying to escape the hospital when he has a flashback to five years earlier when he meets Leila in a swimming pool.
Blake assigns Agent Lee to the top of their defense agency. Ten years earlier it flashes back to when Lee is getting administered blood work. Agent Lee is one of the aliens that infiltrated the CIA.
Later Lee meets with Thomas who tells him where he can find the plane, but they are still using the people. Lee gets to the crash and finds Michael and all the people on the plane dead.