All hell just broke loose. Literally.
Marcus took a much-needed nap on The Exorcist Season 2 Episode 8, and it was the perfect opportunity for demon Andy to gain the upper hand.
Marcus might have had his failures, but the demons know who's boss and when the boss is away, the demons like to play.

How demon Andy got that shard of glass is puzzling because Father Tomas wasn't close enough to the bed for demon Andy to be able to grab a piece when Tomas dropped the glass. Besides, how could he reach the ground wearing shackles?
The only thing I can figure is that Nikki grabbed the shard and put it in Andy's hand when Father Tomas closed his eyes.
That major point aside, this was one of those hours that made me cover my eyes with my hands, so I was peeking through my fingers.
Verity showed plenty of courage when she volunteered to help Father Tomas and Marcus with Andy. It was surprising she was willing to do it since she was upset earlier about the possibility she and the others might not be coming back to live with Andy because he, you know, killed someone.
As it turns out, her controlled anger was a defense mechanism, something we learned later when she tried to get through to Andy to help him fight the demon.
Of course, Verity would be afraid of what the future holds. She had an unstable life until Andy and Nikki took her in and finally offered her some stability. But she wanted to see Andy again, another reason she decided to help with the whole demonic situation.

The demon was vicious in its verbal attacks against Verity even going so far as turning into Nikki when it realized Verity wasn't falling for any of what it was throwing at her.
Verity showed incredible strength facing demon Andy the way she did. If it wasn't for her, Andy would have been lost forever. She was honest when she got down and thanked Andy for everything he did for her, but I have to tell you, I had to hold my breath when she went in for a kiss.
It would have been easy for demon Andy to slice Verity's face or stab her in the heart or do something else horrible to her. And I was fully expecting it to happen but was so relieved when it didn't.
We learned about Marcus' relationship with Mouse, and it told us a lot. She was his first failure, and he never forgave himself for not getting the job done. It had to be difficult for him to walk away from his little "church mouse" the way he did, and it has haunted him since.
At first, I thought he and Mouse had romantic feelings for each other and that's why the flashback came when Peter stopped to pick Marcus up from the side of the road.

His feelings for Peter reminded him of his feelings for Mouse. Could there have been something more between them? I'm unclear about it.
What was clear was that Peter could be a way out for Marcus. Peter sees what's happening with Marcus, the stress he's under. He's not happy.
Being an exorcist is a burden and being with Peter would give Marcus the opportunity to live a normal life, the kind of life he encouraged Mouse to have before she committed to becoming a nun.
Just because he believes he was chosen doesn't mean he has to do it forever. Peter helped him realize that and his thank you was heartfelt, but I doubt Marcus will leave his work for Peter or anyone else for that matter.
Especially now that the demon is on the loose.
The demon knew Marcus was overtired and took full advantage of the situation. Father Tomas isn't anywhere near being ready to become a full-time exorcist. What happened with Andy proved it.

A tired Tomas was the perfect vessel for the demon to manipulate. That whole scene with Father Tomas sitting in the room praying when Andy was gone was truly scary. I wasn't completely surprised that Andy was going to go after Verity.
When she got back to the farmhouse just as the lights went off at the ferry station and then the house didn't light up either, I took those as clear signs that something was going to happen, but even knowing that my heart still jumped when Andy showed up behind Rose.
I'm excited (scared) to see what will happen when Marcus wakes up. Will he even wake up, or did the demon put him in a deep sleep?
Will Mouse arrive in time to help them save the kids? What is demon Andy's end game?
What do you think?

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If you need to catch up, you can watch The Exorcist online right here via TV Fanatic!