In the opening scene, we resume from last weeks episode with Ramsey versus Ralphy. They get into a fight and Ralph gets stabbed with a blood blade.
Killer Frost finds Ralph in an alley and brings Ralph to Star Labs.
Quickly, the team realizes Caitlin is needed. She tells Barry to give Raplh his blood since he is O-Negative.
Barry phase him for a blood transfustion and Iris comes back to the Labs to talk to Barry.
Ramsey appears in Barry's house and reveals that he knows Barry is The Flash.
Ramsey is aware of everything going on with Barry.
Barry wakes up from his dreams and worries Ramsey is in his head.
Iris and her team talk about tracking the man that took Esperanza.
Iris tracks the man down, but he ends up being an uber for the uber rich.
Barry comes back to the house and flash sppeds around to check the area.
Barry then sees his mother, and she warns him that something is wrong.
Barry finds out that Ramsey infected him while he gave Ralph the transfusion.
He is trying to gain control of Barry and bend him to his will.
Barry is trying to resist but he cannot run from him.