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The Flight Attendant: Zosia Mamet and Deniz Akdeniz Talk Annie and Max’s Complicated Engagement, That Deadly Encounter, & More!

Annie (Zosia Mamet) and Max's (Deniz Akdeniz) journey throughout The Flight Attendant Season 2 has been about the next stage of their relationship.

They're evolving and pondering what the future might hold as a couple.

Throughout the first four episodes of the season, we've watched them navigate some turbulent times.

Questioning Their Future - The Flight Attendant
(Jennifer Rose Clasen/HBO Max)

Max has proposed, but Annie's been struggling to accept this next stage of their relationship.

Zosia Mamet says that Annie spent most of her life knowing where things were going, and now, she's in a very different place than when we first met her on The Flight Attendant Season 1.

"She knows how to play the hand and win it, and after giving up her old job, she now feels exceptionally lost," the star shared with TV Fanatic.

Annie Questions Everything - The Flight Attendant Season 2 Episode 4
(HBO Max)

"I think that that insecurity is bleeding very intensely into her relationship with Max, and she feels too scared to make the jump and fully say, 'yes, I'll marry you, and I'm going to let you in, and let's start a life together.'"

"She's kind of testing him as far as she can, in terms of his patience and his willingness to wait for her to stop dilly-dallying," the star added.

Both Annie and Max found themselves in danger on The Flight Attendant Season 2 Episode 4 when they were caught up in Gabrielle and Esteban's search for Cassie and, by extension, Megan.

By the end of it, Annie searched for the engagement ring because she wanted to wear it.

Deniz Akdeniz on Season 2 - The Flight Attendant
(Jennifer Rose Clasen/HBO Max)

The pair had just gone through a potentially deadly situation, and they seemed more bonded together.

Zosia and Deniz believe that this traumatic situation might have saved their relationship.

"We talked a lot about it throughout shooting that this exceptionally traumatic experience may be the thing that sort of saves their relationship," Mamet shared.

"We see when they meet Max's parents, and Annie behaved so badly, this huge paradigm shift for Max is essentially like, I'm done dealing with your crap, like, get your stuff together."

Zosia Mamet on Season 2 - The Flight Attendant
(Jennifer Rose Clasen/HBO Max)

"Like, I'm not going to put up with this much longer and then. They're put through this incredibly traumatic experience where I think you're really forced to look at yourself and look at your life and think about what really matters," Mamet adds.

"Annie has this monologue where she professes her love to Max, and she apologizes."

"I think that's sort of the catalyst for her dealing with this fear and realizing that she has to deal with this fear or she's going to lose him."

"I think it forces them back together, and obviously, it forces them onto this crazy adventure that they go on trying to catch the Diaz's and help Cassie."

Annie at the FBI - The Flight Attendant Season 1 Episode 8
(Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/HBO Max)

"And I think having to work together as a team and working so well together as a team also creates this connection that, um, really like emboldens their love for each other and helps them come back together," Mamet shares.

The events of The Flight Attendant Season 2 Episode 4 will have far-reaching ramifications, and Max will also be worried about what the Diaz's stole from him.

"There's a lot of incriminating evidence on that laptop for both of those characters," Akdeniz tells TV Fanatic, revealing that the theft of the ring and the traumatic incident has made it personal for Max and Annie.

"There's a danger, obviously, with the mystery that's going on with the Cassie. But I think now this is a personal attack on him and them and the couple, as well, despite the kidnapping."

Annie Takes a Call - The Flight Attendant
(Phil Caruso/HBO Max)

"So I think it really drives and motivates them to do something about it and to fight back," the star adds, noting that Annie and Max are not very well equipped for this type of mission.

"It's interesting to see how it drives them to do something that's out of their comfort zones.

"Also, I feel like max could fully go to prison for a very long time. If anybody got ahold of that laptop and its content, especially. This is as bad as it gets."

The Flight Attendant Season 2 airs Thursdays on HBO Max.

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