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The Good Doctor Season 5 Episode 1 Recap: New Beginnings

Lea has a dream that her wedding to Shaun is ruined when it starts thundering. She wakes up and tells Shaun they aren't having an outdoor wedding. He doesn't seem to care.

Andrews tells some woman he slept with that he's a surgeon and has to go to work.

Lim wants to have phone sex with Mateo but there is a knock on the door. It's him. He is no longer a wanted man, by law enforcement anyway. They kiss.

Lim seems in a great mood during a tonsilectomy. She says Mateo is back. In one breath, Shaun invites Mateo to the engagement party and wedding and says Lea is planning it all and he doesn't care because being with her is perfect. Park and Lim advise him to make sure Lea isn't overwhelmed. Meanwhile, they find a mass on the patient's tonsil.

Shaun checks in with Lea, who claims to be fine but has no time for his babbling.

Meanwhlie, Jordan and Morgan see a patient with severe ADHD and also a possible kidney stone. Jordan suggests going off Ritalin for a few days because the patient's other symptoms (blurred vision and headaches) could be a side effect of Ritalin. However, she has foamy urine so she may be having a kidney stone.

The hyperactive patient goes and bothers Glassman and Jordan comes and gets her for her CT scan. Jordan is excited to find a mass on the woman's kidney because she will get to do the biopsy.

The child's mother asks about his throat being sore. Shaun and Park explain to her that the child had cervical cancer cells on his tonsil. THey need to scan her and her other son. A man shows up and the woman runs off. Her older son called Uncle Nick because Riley is sick. The woman kicks Uncle Nick out and tells her son the doctors need to talk to both of them.

Shaun asks the woman why she won't let her brother be part of this. She says that Uncle Nick offered to help with the boys when she became a single mother but got drunk all the time. He took them to the beach and got drunk and the boys wandered off. Cops found them a mile down the beach. After that, no more Uncle Nick. Shaun thinks that's a good answer.

Morgan gives the ADHD patient the news that she needs a kidney biopsy and that Jordan will be doing the surgery. No food or water for 24 hours.

Mateo comes to see Lim. He has gotten a job in San Francisco. She feels that's not far away compared to Guatemala. Shaun shows up to give the news: both mother and son have cancer.

Jordan asks Lea which dress she should wear while Lea is on the phone with the caterer.

Later, Jordan brags to Asher that she is the only second-year resident doing a biopsy today… but her patient is gone.

Lea is arguing with a florist and pretends she is marrying a lawsuit-happy lawyer to get flowers delivered on time. The ADHD patient shows up and asks her about it. Jordan shows up and discovers the woman forgot she wasn't supposed to eat and is eating a sandwich.

The mother needs surgery immediately, her son later, but she doesn't want to do hers first because she has no one to take care of the kids and she'd be out of commission for a month. Her son's surgery will also take a month to recover and she insists on his being first.

Lea wakes up from another nightmare and declares the engagement party is off as her life is too chaotic.

LIm thinks the mother's decision is stupid. Park thinks it's being a good parent. Shaun has an idea. An alternative surgery may give Jackson a quicker recovery time.

The ADHD patient insists on doing yoga while the doctors are talking to her. Morgan notices her ankles are swollen. She likely has an infection, not cancer. Andrews tells Jordan if it's any consolation, she wouldn't get to do the surgery anyway because she let her patient wander off and eat a sandwich.

Jackson's mom doesn't want to agree to the riskier surgery,  but Jackson feels guilty about all the times he fought with his brother and didn't clean up after himself. He wants to recover quickly so he can help more while Mom is recovering. However, when they open him up they find that the mass is pulsating and there is no way Shaun's idea is viable.

Jordan comes to see Lea, all dressed up. Lea says the party's off. She canceled it because if it isn't perfect it means the marriage will be a disaster like her last one. Jordan convinces her to take a risk.

Shaun and Park are trying to figure out Sarah and Jackson's case. Jordan pops in to say the party is back on. Shaun says he can't go. He has to figure this out. Jordan suggests Park talk some sense into Shaun.

The party begins and Andrews asks where Shaun is. Jordan says he is getting ready and will be here soon.

Shaun paces back and forth, trying to come up with an idea. Park convinces him to go to the party.

At the party, Lim wants to make a toast and is calling for Shaun. Lea is freaking out. Shaun shows up just then in suit and tie.

Park wonders what he should do. Morgan says logic will not convince Sarah. Her mind is made up. Park says she's brilliant and kisses her.

Mateo comes to see Lim at the party. The job in San Fran fell through when his background check came back and they found out he had an assault conviction on his record.

Nick comes to see Sarah. He has been sober 104 days and wants to help take care of the boys while she recovers. Sarah can't trust him. He says she has to trust someone.

Andrews has mixed up his texts and two of his dates are both here, but hitting it off with each other instead of him. He and Glassman drink together. Glassman makes a drunken toast about how hard relationships are and how Shaun and Lea do a better job than he did and announces that Debbie left him.

The next day, Lea is sitting in bed looking nervous.

Lim tells Mateo she is thinking about the mother and son having cancer and that's not all that's on her mind.

At the hospital, Andrews comes up with an idea for how to biopsy the kidney and assigns Asher rather than Jordan to the case.

Shaun works on the other surgery. The ADHD patient shows up in the OR observatory and asks about her procedure. Lim says she has confidence in all her attendees. She wants Andrews paged. Something is wrong with the patient and she faints.

Asher is frustrated that every time they are about to do the biopsy something happens. Andrews says it isn't anything purposeful, she does have a mass on her kidney. Morgan looks at the labs. The woman has been taking twice as much Ritalin as she's supposed to after saying she will stop taking it at all.

The patient admits it. She was diagnosed with a non-cancerous disease 7 years ago. She went off her meds to see if these doctors were any better than the ones she had originally who took three years to diagnose her. She was just curious.

Lim tells Mateo that she wants to hire him at the hospital and is going to try to get money for it at the board meeting.

Shaun and Lea talk. They agree the party was a disaster. Shaun feels it's his fault for leaving everything for Lea to do. They will plan their wedding together.

Lim does not get to make her pitch at the board. Glassman tells her the hospital has just been purchased. The patient who was giving the doctors all the trouble walks out wearing a suit. She is looking forward to working with them.

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