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The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 1 Recap: Baby, Baby, Baby

At home, Shaun is getting ready for work. He times himself changing Steve's diaper, puts him down for 15 minutes of play, and says that there are alarms for naps, feedings, etc. Lea does not seem interested in this and tells him to just enjoy his first day back at work.

Shaun leaves and walks past Glassman in the hall. Glassman ignores him. Shaun looks sad as he goes into the elevator.

Morgan and Park are at home. Park says that Eden is not eating and seems lethargic. They head to the hospital to get her checked out.

In the hospital, Asher and Jordan are walking down the hall and tlaking. Jordan says she and Perez agreed to not talk anymore. They have their own lives. Asher agrees. He wants to go out for drinks and bad decisions. They invite Jared, who is not interested.

Shaun comes in and gives everyone photos of Steve, proud of one where Steve was about to poop. He notices Lim's name on the surgical schedule and runs off to find her.

Lim is telling Villanueva they need an interim board president so that they can get approval to hire more surgeons. Villaneuva says she hopes not O'Brien. Shaun interrupts. He wants to join Lim on her case. She doesn't think it's a good idea as he is a new father. Shaun says it will be an interesting and challenging case.

Shaun and Lim see the parents of a baby who needs a new heart. Shaun notices a scratch and says they have to take care of it so the baby doesn't get an infection and become ineligible for surgery.

Lea runs into Glassman in the elevator. Is he going to ignore them forever? He insists he isn't and congratulates her on the baby.

The pediatrician tells Morgan and Park that Eden needs surgery to correct her aortic stenosis ASAP.

Lim tries to convince Glassman to step in as board president. He doesn't want to and doubts O'Brien will get anywhere.

Shaun has Jordan and Jared assist on the procedure to take care of baby Jack's wound. Jared turns Jordan down for eating tacos off a truck together. 

The abcess may take a long time to heal. Shaun suggests medical maggots. He would do the same for Steve. The parents agree.

Morgan meets Jack's parents in the waiting room while Eden is in surgery.

Shaun calls Lea and is upset to hear Steve in the background. He's supposed to be taking his nap, according to the schedule. Lea is annoyed and says she has to go.

Lim tells Morgan and Park the surgery had to be aborted. Eden doesn't have enough tissue to perform it. She needs a new heart. Hers is failing.

Shaun tells Lim that the donor heart is ready for Jack. Lim says Eden needs the heart too. 

There is a meeting to discuss who should get the heart. Morgan insists on sitting in and promises she won't influence their decision. Shaun says that Jack should get the heart because, although Eden's other options are risky, they exist. Jack will 100% die if he does not get a transplant.

Shaun puts Eden on ECMO himself, saying he's more thorough than anyone.

Asher cancels on Jordan because he had a hard day and needs to go see Jerome.

Jordan brings dinner to Lea and vents about how everyone has someone except her. Steve starts crying. Lea tries to ignore him but he won't stop. She goes to check on him, leaving Jordan alone and despondent.

Lim is annoyed that Glassman recommended her for interim president. He thinks she's a great fit and she checks the diversity box, which she doesn't appreciate.

Shaun comes home and is upset that Steve is crying and awake. Lea says she fell asleep and didn't wake him from his nap on time. Shaun starts up about the schedule. He has to do the surgery on Jack tomorrow but he can't sleep with the baby crying and no, he will not go to Glassman for help. Lea asks him to sleep on the couch.

Shaun has a dream about the surgery. He runs to the hospital and says they can use one heart to save both babies.

Shaun explains his idea. When they remove Jack's heart, they can then remove the valves from it, which are fine despite his heart disease, and implant them in Eden's heart. The risks to Eden are minimal but Jack would have to be on bypass longer to ensure the valves are not damaged in the process of removing his diseased heart. Morgan doesn't want to put the Pierces through that. Shaun says they can always say no.

Mrs. Pierce is happy to do it. She wants to help save Morgan's baby.

Meanwhile, Lea is annoyed by the baby app announcing through an Alexa-like device that it's time for Steve's nap. She calls Shaun. He says he wants it to stay that way because he likes being part of Steve's life from afar and doesn't like having to sleep at the hospital. He misses them. He has to go to the surgery room now.

Lim asks Shaun to wait a minute. She suggests to the board woman to appoint Glassman, saying he knows the job already and he is a senior, which is also an underrepresented group.

Lim assigns Jared and Jordan to get the heart and work on Jack. At the helipad, Jordan asks Jared what his problem is with her. He says she overrode Perez's instructions and gave him opioids and that's why he left. Jordan feels everyone else is moving on except for her.

Morgan, Park, and the Pierces wait for news. Mrs. Pierce gives Morgan a rosary.

Shaun takes longer than expected removing Jack's old heart. Lim says they don't have time. Just then he gets it.

Lea tries to get Steve to sleep on schedule. He won't.

Shaun brings the old heart to the other OR. Lim says the valves are bigger than expected. This has to work.

Lea falls asleep with Steve on her chest. The alarm announces it's feeding time, waking them both.

Eden flatlines. Shaun says to shock her. It doesn't seem to work.

However, in the next scene, the doctors come out and tell both sets of parents that the surgery went well.

Shaun goes home to see his baby, but Steve won't sleep and is crying and Lea needs to sleep.

Jared brings Jordan food.

The board tells Lim and Glassman they are both interim president.

Glassman comes home and sees Shaun trying to comfort the baby in the hall. He says he'll take him. He holds the baby and says he's Grandpa.

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