With one snap of a white card, The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 8 was a game changer.
My head is swirling with what it all means for Kalinda, but I'm going to take a deep breath and look at the evidence presented to us tonight.
You know when Lemond Bishop returns, things are going to heat up! He has this way about him. You don't want to root for him, and by no means am I rooting for him, but the writers found a way to make him even a little bit likable by adding in scenes with his son. Not to mention he is always impeccably dressed.
He calls Kalinda and starts asking a lot of questions about Lana Delaney (man, he really knows everything going on). He believes she is working against Bishop, but Kalinda assures him she is not. This is after she hears Lana talking on the phone and mentions his name. Bishop doesn't believe her and asks Kalinda to plant a white card in Lana's wallet.
It appears Kalinda is going to do it, but in the final seconds of the episode she snaps the card in half. Wow. Kalinda just took on Lemond Bishop. She must really be falling for Lana, because she is taking a very big risk snapping that card and crossing Bishop.
Will Kalinda tell Lana what is going on and will the two team up to try to get to Bishop before he gets to them? Could this be the storyline that writes Kalinda off the show? I've gone back and forth over how she will end up leaving, and really believed it would have to do with Cary, but now that's she's crossed Bishop, I think she may have sealed her fate.
Speaking of sealing fates, Cary shows up at Kalinda's place, breaking the 30 feet rule, because he catches Kalinda with Lana and plays the jealousy card. After the two talk back and forth, Cary tells Kalinda he doesn't want to be with anyone else, but Kalinda shoots right back saying that she does. Ouch. Cary cannot catch a break. It was a tough scene to watch, but I'm glad it snapped Cary out of it, and he was able to prepare for his case with much more focus.

Attorneys make the worst witnesses
Cary decides he wanted to be a witness at his trial, against the advice of pretty much everyone, so Diane brings in Viola Walsh (guest start Rita Wilson – woo hoo!) to cross examine Cary. As she wears him down, it is obvious Cary is just going to hurt his chances appearing on the stand, which is why he ultimately goes to see Kalinda to figure out what was going on with them.
Major props to Matt Czuchry tonight. He absolutely shined in his scenes and deserves some serious consideration come award season. I expect a lot more greatness from Czuchry as the season carries on and we get into Cary's trial. I think it's going to be quite a bumpy road for Cary Agos. Czuchry recently teased some upcoming episodes in a TV Fanatic interview and it looks like we better fasten our seatbelts!
Focus group
As Elfman and Eli move forward in campaign work for Alicia, they put together a focus group. The focus group shows just how easily people's opinions change and how even just one photo opportunity can sway votes.
I'm really enjoying watching Elfman and Eli pair up as they work on Alicia's campaign. They make a great team, and are finding ways to work Alicia out of sticky situations and turn the tables to make her shine. I was impressed that by the end of the episode Alicia was all on board, asking Eli to tell her what to do.
Silent advocate
Tonight's case came to Alicia courtesy of her brother, Owen. It was great to see him back on screen, and I'm glad there were no hard feelings from the "skeletons" Alicia found out about earlier this season. It's a rape case and Alicia has a hard time being the silent advocate for her client, so she takes to texting her client to help her out.
It works, until they rule against Alicia's client, which forces her to sue the school.
Enter Canning, in a wheelchair, with an oxygen mask. His health continues to decline, and while he tries to use that in court, ultimately it is a sneaky move that gets Canning out of a big civil lawsuit.
I was disappointed with how this case played out. Rape is an important topic to discuss and while in the end Alicia's client received just what she was looking for, the fact that rape walls might exist has me thoroughly disgusted.
Other quick thoughts…
- Alicia and Finn shared another drink in Finn's new office, but I really don't think the writers are going to push these two into a relationship. I think it's good Alicia has found a friend, and while I think Finn is a pretty wonderful guy (he even volunteers at a food pantry), I don't think Alicia will fall for him.
- I'm want more Diane Lockhart. Sigh.
- The Good Wife Season 6 is killing it with guest stars! (I could use some more Taye Diggs, though)
I can't believe the fall finale (scheduled for November 23rd) is just a couple weeks away. Make sure you watch The Good Wife online, and decide what your theories are on Kalinda and Bishop.
I thought this was one of the better installments of the season. How did you feel? Sound off in the comments below and we can work out our theories together before next Sunday.