Offred remembers jogging with Moira. They went to get a cup of coffee and her funds were emptied. The guy calls them fucking sluts and tells them to get out.
They're flabbergasted. When June gets to the office, the bank has longer than usual call volume. While she's on hold, armed men walk in.
Her boss feels really sorry about this. It isn't his decision, but he has to let them go. He has to let them all go. It's the law now. They've given him 10 minutes to let them pack up their things and get out.
It's the first day June hears "Under his eye," as well.
In the present day, Rita is practically rolling out the red carpet for Offred with a special meal. She thinks Offred is pregnant. She hasn't asked for her napkins yet this month. Serena Joy even cut a rose.
Serena Joy even asks Offred if she'd like to go visit baby Angela with her. Once there, she asks Offred to hold the baby.
Then Mrs. Putnam reveals she was bitten by Janine. Janine is too in love with Charlotte (the baby's "real" name) and Mr. Putnam says he loves her and they're going to run away together.
Serena Joy tells Offred to tell Nick to take her home. Nick tells her everybody breaks. She gets home to an interrogation team.
Moira and June talk about what's happening around them. Then Moira realizes she has to walk through a shitty part of town and needs Luke to walk her to the station right after she's done ribbing him about being the problem.
Aunt Lydia is there to prod Offred into answering questions, both literally and figuratively. She's also disappointed Offred uses the word gay instead of gender traitor.
Meanwhile, Ofglen and her lover are accused, found guilty and convicted within a minute. The Martha will be killed, the Handmaid sentenced to redemption.
The Martha is hanged right in front of Ofglen.
Nick goes to Offred to tell her he's sorry, he should have driven right past the house with her. They get tantalizingly close and he leaves.
Offred gets her period.
June and Moira remember marching and the "army" shooting protestors with real bullets, all hell breaking loose in the streets right in front of them. A haunting version of Blondie's Heart of Glass plays during the melee.
It was a blessed day until Offred tells Serena Joy they are not going to have a baby. Serena goes all Baby Jane on Offred, tossing her into a room to repent.
As bad as Offred feels, she has nothing in comparison to Ofglen. She had a clitorectomy.