The aftermath of the destruction of the new Rachel and Leah center features the handmaids in what appears to be funeral garb. I don't know that I've ever seen other Aunts before, but they are lining the path for the handmaids to make their way to red caskets waiting for the girls to mourn.
Even in their deaths, the handmaids are denied their names. perhaps that is why the girls cry.
Thirty-one handmaids died and 26 commanders. In the vehicle on the way home, the handmaids talked about those they lost. Some of the Of's they didn't even know. Some were bitches, some unclean, not even washing their hair.
Homes all over town were marked with bodies hanging in front of homes.
Fred is trying to see from his hospital bed.
Nick offers to take Serena home for sleep and a change of clothes. She denies it.
Nick is sickened to learn Commander Pryce has gone home to God. Commander Cushing is taking on Commander Pryce's duties. He looks like he has been injured in the attack, as well, and he promised Fred he will find everyone responsible for the gruesome attack.
The weather is like hell on earth at the colonies.
Women are pulled right out of the working line. Will they be replacing the dead 26?
At the embassy in Canada, Luke and Moira get word about the bombing. Luke leaves. He knows June's OK. Moira doesn't want to leave until she can be sure.
Moira was recalling a time she was going to get $250k for being a surrogate mother. June worried she would get attached to "the little fucker."
In Canada, when Moira gets the opportunity to look for her fiance to be dead or alive, she also spots binders full of records of children and recalls having an ultrasound.
The binders are filled with unidentified images of the dead.
June puts her mourning outfit into a little suitcase. Shortly afterward, Rita is upstairs. There is someone at the house for June.
It's the new Commander Cushing, who wants Martha to leave the room, which isn't done when a Commander is alone in a room with a handmaid.
It was Ofglen who bombed the place, June's walking partner. He wants to know who helped her try to leave Gilead. Her story was of a kidnapping. He thinks Commander Waterford took her. She sticks to her story. He is highly unpleasant.
Outside the front door, a Martha is shot in the street in a show of his power to Offred.
June gets to the hospital. Serena Joy is happy to see her and show Fred his baby is safe.
When she leaves his room, June sees Nick. They talk. June cries on his shoulder saying the Martha was just reaching for her pass and was shot.
June relays to Nice Cushing wants to know who helped her when she ran. Nick knows that.
At home, Serena Joy is her old self again, talking to June about Ray Cushing. He's always been a blowhard even when they vacationed in Antigua together. Serena Joy wants June to be very careful about what she says to Cushing.
June reminds Serena Joy that Ofglen's entire house was slaughtered due to what she did. If Cushing comes to believe she has a connection to the underground, he won't hesitate, nor would he ever leave a baby to grow up in a house that would.
Moira is still looking for her fiance. She recalls birthing classes with June and getting angry because June mentioned Luke rubbed her feet. June assures her there is no perfect marriage, but there is the same guy every night.
Moira had her baby and gave it to the new parents who subsequently moved back to England with Gavin. Then she ran into Odette later, the doctor who helped with the pregnancy, and that's who she fell in love with.
Just as Moira recalled their first meeting in the wild as women and not within the doctor/patient relationship, she found the page for which she'd been searching and confirmed Odette's death.
Back in Gilead, one of the more significant checkpoints is right in front of the Waterfords' house. It's very disconcerting. As Cushing comes up to the house, the Eye surrounds him. He's being arrested for treason on the word of Commander Waterford or, as we well know, Nick.
June cannot help but smile, nor can Nick.
The grocery store looks smaller, and maybe too small when Eden tells June she's making Nick chicken and green beans and garlic.
Suddenly, like a puppy, Janine jumps upon June from behind. She's so excited to be back and a part of God's plan again. She says God has a plan for both of them, pointing in the direction of Emily.
June rushes over to say hello to Emily and relays to her that her name is June. She says she never got a chance to tell her. Emily cries. June tells the next handmaid that walks by her name, as well.
The other is Brianna. It's like a cascade of names so that never again do they have to wonder at the identity of their fellow handmaids. Together, they reclaim their identities. Eden doesn't seem impressed, but fuck her.
In Canada, the women who were deceased as a result of the bombing are announced. Their photos are shown as they were.
Moira puts a photo of her with Odette at the memorial.
Serena Joy asks June to accompany her to the office where she had put together new security policies. She'd like things to start getting back to normal. That includes using June doing what June does best. Editing.