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The Irrational Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Dead Woman Walking

Mercer tries to recreate the smell on the day of the church bombing. He talks about the events at the court with Kylie.

Mercer goes to work and finds CJ waiting for him. She wants him to solve her murder.

She reveals that someone poisoned her with a dangerous agent.

CJ reveals she was working with a source who might have been the target or the one who poisoned her.

CJ is rushed to the hospital. Gene is present and asks questions about CJ to Mercer and Marisa.

Phoebe and Rizwan help Mercer find where the source is holed up.

Mercer goes to the address and finds Yuri has been shot. The killer tries to kill Mercer, but the police arrive in time.

Marisa gives Mercer a mouthful about putting himself in danger.

Rizwan and Phoebe visit CJ's estranged daughter to tell her about her mother.

Kylie and Mercer watch a video from the day CJ was poisoned, and they notice that the teapot was switched.

Mercer learns that the proposal in the video was a distraction, and on questioning the couple, they reveal they were paid actors.

Mercer follows up on a lead about a potential suspect and interviews some guy for a VP position. Mercer learns that CJ overshadowed Gene a lot.

Phoebe and Rizwan revisit CJ's daughter.

Mercer visits Gene to find proof Gene poisoned CJ. He plants an idea in Gene's head.

Mercer finds the scent from the night of the bombing.

Gene visits CJ in the hospital to gloat. He admits to having poisoned CJ. CJ records it.

Marisa arrests Gene.

In class, Mercer explains how Gene was caught.

Phoebe visits her mother's grave.

CJ's daughter visits her.

Mercer remembers something about the night the bombing occurred.

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