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The Kellie Pickler Report: Part III

Once again, Kellie Pickler brings us her thoughts. On her tour, her new album, and on life. What could be better? In her previous journal entry, Kellie wrote about experiences on tour with her fellow Idols. In her latest diary entry, written for USA Today, she talks about recording her upcoming CD as well as maintaining her small-town appeal.


Hi again! Since I last wrote, we have traveled from city to city every night singing our hearts out and living out our dreams. We have toured in cities from New York all the way to California, and it is not over yet!

In the meantime, on our days off I have been in the studio trying to finish up the album, which comes out October 31. I just recently finished my first single, Red High Heels, which is a really sassy, upbeat song.

I am so excited about my single going to radio! While we were on tour in Texas I autographed 200 red high heels so we could send one to all of the radio stations along with the single. I felt like I was in heaven surrounded by all of those shoes!!

As far as the songs on the album, I have helped write a lot of them, so they are all very personal to me. I can relate to all of the songs … it’s almost like the album is an open book of my life. I have tried to put as much of myself into creating this album as I can.

I just decided that I wanted the album to be called Small Town Girl, and it’s really neat because the first song I wrote is called Small Town Girl.

Aimee Mayo, a songwriter in Nashville, and I sat up until about 4 am writing this song. It talks about how much fun it is growing up in the country, in a small town.

Plus, I want all of my fans to know that I am still that same small-town girl that they voted for on American Idol. The album consists of songs that are fun and upbeat, and then there are songs that are about being in love and getting your heart broken. There are what we call girls’ anthems as well as guys’ anthems.

I can’t wait to get it on the shelves, I think that is when it will really set in. I must say that I didn’t realize how much time and hard work it takes to make an album. It’s been a blast in the making!!!

Xoxo Kellie

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