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The Lazarus Project Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Freak Accident

Archie flashes back to Summer 2018, when she and her partner/lover Ross witness a nuclear attack. George is on the phone with Archie when Sarah is mowed down by a garbage truck. After George drops his phone, Archie and the Lazarus team view the raid by French Special Forces to capture Rebrov. Archie arrives at the hospital. Sarah is out of surgery but is unconscious. George recalls when he met Sarah, also in Summer 2018. Archie drives George home and stays with him. The next day, he insists on going to the office for the distraction. Archie and George debate the consequences of what Lazarus does. Back in 2018, after Archie kills a foreign leader, Ross invites her to move in with him. Time continues to loop back as their diplomatic efforts fail. Also in 2018, Sarah walks right by George at a party. They finally meet when he takes her CD off the player. Shiv picks up George outside the hospital after asking him if he wants to beat up Karl for pushing Sarah. They drive to Karl's house. Shiv gets him to realize that what's done is done. George questions Shiv about Rebrov. They attempt to interrogate Rebrov about Big Boy, the nuclear device he has stolen. Rebrov informs George that Lazarus uses torture to gain intel. He tells George he does what he does to hold Lazarus to account. The only time that Archie and Ross's coup succeeded was when she got killed, so Ross reset to the check point to bring her back to life. Because of all the time loops, George and Sarah now meet after the party. Ross is killed but Mum won't reset time to bring him back. Sarah dies. George asks Rebrov how he could turn back time in order to save Sarah.

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