The end is here, Mole fans! After weeks of suspicions, sabotages, and challenges, we finally got our answer.
The Mole has been uncovered on The Mole Season 6 Episode 10.
It was a somewhat satisfying end to the return of a thrilling competition overall. And the reveal of a winner who put their all into earning money. Seriously, I love this game!

"Who Is The Mole?" ended the game with one final big mission and the burning questions we all wanted to know.
This finale was the moment we had long waited for and jotted our notes about. So, there was a lot of anticipation for what would be revealed.
However, the ending didn't live up to the hype when all was said and done.
Alex Wagner: The Mole is … Kesi! Will, you won!
🔗 permalink: The Mole is … Kesi! Will, you won!
Don't get me wrong, it was a good finale that hit all the marks and left us on an enjoyable note. However, compared to other episodes during The Mole Season 6 and other finales from the past, this finale ended with a whimper. It didn't have the same energy or tension from previous iterations.
It's like the expression always said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." The Mole knows how to do a very satisfying finale; the format didn't need to change for the final episode.

Part of the reason could be that the final episode of The Mole typically is just the reveal of the identities and the cast reunion. There's a lot of information for the host and cast to discuss, like the sabotages, the clues, and the players' thoughts throughout the competition.
This all could fit in one episode alone.
Combining a final mission, the final quiz, the reveals, and a reunion into one episode didn't give any of it justice. Everything seemed to rush through to the point that it didn't give us time to breathe or sink at the moment.
Kesi: [In confessional] Wow, I don’t need to lie about it anymore. I am The Mole. And I loved every single minute of it.
🔗 permalink: Wow, I don’t need to lie about it anymore. I am The Mole. And I loved every single minute of it.
For instance, the reunion was so short that it didn't feel like a reunion. It would've been great to hear from Kesi about how she played the game to sabotage or when Will started to suspect her. Not just a pre-edited highlight reel of her sabotages but what she and the cast had to say.
We need that element of the game to complete the story. Without it, The Mole's purpose and the deduction format didn't matter.

The final mission at the abandoned compound was an exciting challenge. Top marks for including this game because it captured the spy element of the franchise while challenging the players with skills that weren't easy to complete.
Plus, it looked like a lot of fun to play in!
The Mole has featured variations of this mission, like protecting the green jar during The Mole Season 1. There are many moving parts of the challenge, and the players must work together to make it a success.
The main differences in this variation were the mini-challenges and the inclusion of drones. The drones made the mission so modern and intense; all you could do was run and try to hear their flight path to avoid them.

Out of the three remaining players, Kesi cemented her status as The Mole here for anyone who had doubts. Come on, she made it pretty obvious!
Joi accidentally shifted her sticks to make the canister fall into the pit, so that move worked against her. However, her reaction made it seem like a genuine mistake. Unlike Will, who wanted to sabotage the mission, she didn't intend to drop it.
Will again fell into Will mode by trying hard to win the money. He was going to save the first canister and tried instructing Kesi how to move through the course. He was putting in his effort to make the team a success.
And he could've easily failed the third canister with the mines if he wanted to, but he didn't. Will once against cleared any suspicion.

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On the other hand, Kesi falling off the pipes seemed like an obvious move.
Do you think you could've made that jump? The distance didn't look that far to mess up all the suction cups and movement.
Once again, Kesi was making a bold move that made her look like The Mole so that she could convince people she would be too obvious to be The Mole. It's a smart strategy that works in doses, like when Avori tried to pepper in her sabotage.
The problem was that Kesi did this strategy too much. You have moderate how much you'll sabotage, or else it'll look too obvious that you're going for the loss instead of the money.

Now, let's talk about the big reveals.
Will winning was a good victory since he put his all into the game. It wasn't a big surprise since he nearly got eliminated during Casey's execution, so he had to have turned his sights onto the correct Mole to have survived for this long.
And since every contestant chose a different person in the Top 3, I knew he won since my top suspect had always been Kesi. Once Alex Wagner revealed Will's choice, the outcome seemed inevitable.
Will: [In confessional] I am absolutely determined to get at least one canister. But I am absolutely determined to not get all three.
🔗 permalink: I am absolutely determined to get at least one canister.
It would've been great to hear from Will about when he set his targets on Kesi. She gave some indication during her Mole montage, but there must've been a moment when Will turned his attention. And if the person he split his quiz answers on during Casey's execution was Kesi.
The missing pieces would've answered a lot of questions.

Regarding Kesi, she was a good Mole, but she was an obvious Mole.
Kesi was the type of player who could blend into the background and be well-liked by the other players. She didn't stand out or make bold moves early on; she could make subtle choices that would work in her favor. An excellent possibility for The Mole, and it wasn't until she made bolder moves that it became clear.
As mentioned in previous reviews and above, her sabotaging was pretty obvious. Whenever she decided that she wanted to lose the money, she went for the flashy moves instead of the subtle turns. That style hurt her undercover work to an extent.
Will: [In confessional] I know Kesi is better than that. She didn’t need the suction cup to make it across that pole. She intentionally shorted it.
🔗 permalink: I know Kesi is better than that.
It was surprising that both Joi and Will didn't choose her during the final quiz. The answer seemed so obvious; it had to have been her.
Her game could best be described in two phases: the first half, where she hid perfectly in the background as The Mole, and then the second half, where she owned all her sabotaging directly.

It would've been an interesting scenario if she had stuck more to the former throughout the season. And then to hear what she would've said during the reunion.
Did anyone like how the identities were revealed and how the reunion went?
Anticipation and tension were lacking in these areas. The original format of the three hidden doors needs to return because it builds up the excitement over which player will walk out as the winner and then when The Mole walks through the door. The players get energized, and the mode shifts greatly.
Then, we would've been treated to a full reunion where the players would unpack everything. Instead, we got a rushed finale where the big reveal fell flat, and a reunion didn't happen. If there was ever a competition that needed a reunion, it's The Mole.
Hopefully, the show fixes this for next season and brings it back. The door format wasn't a problem; it worked for a reason.

Last Thoughts From The Mole:
Most of the players said they were shocked to find out Kesi was The Mole, but earlier many stated they thought she was The Mole. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
The reveal of Will being the winner came across as so secondary. The episode hinged on Kesi's Mole reveal that it rushed Will's announcement to get it done. Both players needed their moment.
Once again, we need the tea! Give us more footage from the reunion. The players have a lot to spill.
- Why didn't they reveal any clues? Typically, The Mole has hidden clues throughout the episodes that allude to the identity of The Mole. Discovering the clues in the finale is one of the best parts; it's a glaring loss not to have it.

Now, over to you, Mole fans.
What did you think of "Who Is The Mole?"
Were you right about your guesses? Did you want more from the finale? Are you ready for another season?
Share your thoughts in the comments below.
The Mole is now available to stream online on Netflix.