Francoise didn't want to go to the Love Story premiere. When she and Al get home, she's angry and screaming, and it gets ugly.
She wants to have a real conversation, and she's angry that he thinks what they're having is the real deal.
Al and Bob aren't getting along due to The Godfather production difficulties, and Bob didn't appreciate Al taking his woes to Bob's premiere.
Bob thinks that Brando is a nightmare and a waste of time, but Al pursues him anyway.
The Godfather gang visits Brando at his house.
He welcomes them warmly, and Francis is star struck. When Brando asks if they saw his movie, Burn, Al and Francis say no, and Mario says he never heard of it. He knows that they are kissing his ass. It's a strange conversation.
Brando wants to piss off Sinatra, so he's interested. He's got specific thoughts on the Don. Shot in the throat. The strange voice. Asking for black shoe polish, he transforms in front of them as they watch, transfixed.
Francis begins filming. They can barely pick up their jaws from the floor.
Outside, Francis realizes it's a movie, possibly the best. Now Al needs to swing Pacino into the film.
Bettye didn't think Al knew what he was doing initially, but she doesn't mind giving up a love life and re-reading Godfather pages because they're doing something. Al just swings.
Someone is talking to Sinatra. A journalist. Sinatra pitches Colombo not doing anything to get rid of The Godfather.
Francoise is crying in therapy. She thinks Al is never honest with her. She says he lied about everything, Mickey Cohen, being in bed with the mafia, and being her paratner.
She doesn't want him to treat her with kid gloves. She wants him to be real and brutal and say what he means.
He doesn't want to produce with her. He needs to do it on his own. It's not what she wanted to hear.
Gallo is in a club, and Lenny Montana delivers him $1K from Colombo. That goes over poorly.
A guy named Gianni Russo wants to toss his hat into the ring to be cast in The Godfather.
Al thinks he's perfect for Carlo. Bettye thinks he's nuts.
Colombo is sick of Sinatra and Gallo.
Bob and Ali are in bed when the phone rings. It's Jack Nicholson. Bob wants him to be Michael. They laugh, and Ali departs.
At Bluhdorn's office, Francis approaches the man with the Brando footage. Bluhdorn is reluctant to watch, but Francis talks him into it.
Bob is swindled into watching Brando's transformation. Bob can't recognize him at first. Bluhdorn is enamored. Bob is sold. Brando has to play for scale, and they'll put up a million-dollar bond.
Bob isn't pleased with how Al went around him, but it worked this time. Never let it happen again.
Al tries to talk with Francoise. He shares the news with her, but when she learns he's leaving for New York again, she walks away.
Biaggi is making waves again. It upsets Barry, who thinks Ruddy needs oversight. Bluhdorn tells him to talk to legal.
Bob meets with Brando. He needs to know that Marlon will play nice. Marlon wonders if it's a sandbox. Bob wants Brando to know that they're working with a limited budget. And then Brando makes a pitch for Pacino. Bob claims to have never heard of him.
They've got offices in New York. Bob calls, wanting Francis to stop peddling Pacino.
They call Brando's agent, who wants $100k a week for five weeks minimum. Al plays hardball and hangs up. The agent comes back on the line. They're in the Brando business.
A cop named Sonny arrives with a badge for Al. He's concerned about Al getting in bed with Colombo. Al says Colombo is a stand-up guy, but Sonny is more worried about Gallo going after Colombo and Al getting caught in the cross-fire.
Francoise breaks up with Al and returns to France.
She wants to be with all of him or none of him, so the ball is in his court.
They're officially greenlit, and Al and the gang have a celebratory dinner. Francis gives the worst toast ever and leaves to go to Martin Scorcese's house to tape his parent's over dinner for the accents.
Francis feels like he's going to have to cave on the dreams that he has, and without Pacino, he'll make a good enough movie, but not the best, and that will break his heart.
Colombo takes Al to a basement where the man who owns the Staten Island property is sitting before them, bawling his eyes out. Biaggi is threatening him. The guy pees himself.
When Al returns to Bettye, he needs a stiff drink.
Al goes over Bob's head again, going to Charlie to get Pacino. Charlie wants Al to think about what he's doing. Bob gave him his start and just backed him as soul producer.
Bob has booked a dinner for he and Ali for the Golden Globes. She wants to stay home and read, but he pushes her. Eleven nights in a row isn't her idea of a good time.
All of that goes by the wayside when Bob gets the call about Pacino. Bob calls Al, who calls him a mother fuckin' Judas. If Pacino is Michael, then Jimmy Caan is Sonny, Bob demands. Francis puts up a fuss, but Al slams back at him. Take the fuckin' win, man.
When they tell Pacino he has the part, he says that he's doing The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight for MGM. He signed a contract. He wishes them good luck and leaves.
Now, it's time for Al to feel down on himself. He lost so much, and for what? Andrea pulls him from the brink.
They all feel the same way, which is why they travel in a pack. Everyone else is just a civilian.