By any measure of narrative, The Orville: New Horizons Season 3 Episode 8 is a supersized portion of storytelling.
Clocking in at an hour and 26 minutes, it manages to test the mettle of Topa, her rescuers, and the Planetary Union itself. It introduces an unexpected potential relationship as well as a complication in that same relationship.
It frames the dangers of involving impressionable devotees in complicated plots and finally defines the limit of appeasement in the face of fear.

But, most impressive of all, it delivers Dolly-Freakin'-Parton, probably the most triumphant get in the vast constellation of guest stars that have appeared on the show over the years.
From the reprise of Heveena's de facto anthem, "9 to 5," through the soulful Moclan instrumental interpretation of "Jolene," to Parton's rendition of "Try" in Simulator Two, Parton is every bit as inspirational as a fictional figure as she is in real life.

It is fitting that she provides guidance when Heveena, the leader of the female Moclan resistance and revolution, loses her way.
Dolly Parton: If you do the right thing in the here and now, the future has a way of taking care of itself.
🔗 permalink: If you do the right thing in the here and now, the future has a way of taking care of itself.
There's a lesson layered in here about best intentions and their unfortunate outcomes.
Grayson means well in supporting Topa's request to join the mission to Heveena's planet. Heveena means well when she recruits Topa to the revolution's cause.
Heveena: Our struggle for equality has always demanded risk and, if necessary, sacrifice!
🔗 permalink: Our struggle for equality has always demanded risk and, if necessary, sacrifice!
Come to think of it, even Admiral Halsey meant well when he proposed the agreement with the Moclans to establish the sanctuary planet for Heveena and her followers on The Orville Season 2 Episode 12.

However, his attempt at appeasing the Moclans while protecting Heveena's planet only delayed the inevitable.
Heveena was always going to return to her vocation of saving female Moclans. The Moclans were never going to accept the existence of an entire planet of Moclan females.
Malloy's presence is insinuated elegantly — if not subtly — into the chain of events.
LaMarr: Hey, you know she’s way too mature for you, right?
Malloy: Not listening, not laughing.
🔗 permalink: Not listening, not laughing.
Working backward, he needed to be present at Union Central at the end to call out the Moclans on their long tradition of jerk behavior, so they make him the initially-clueless object of Topa's affection at the start, an awkwardly funny moment in an otherwise unwaveringly serious script.
Grayson: Everything all right?
Bortus: There are days when I would rather confront a fleet of Krill battle cruisers than parent a child.
🔗 permalink: There are days when I would rather confront a fleet of Krill battle cruisers than parent a…
The opening scenes are also a practical set-up for Grayson and Bortus's relationship potential as we watch them co-parent Topa in the absence of Klyden and with the onset of puberty.

Not sure why the writers seem intent on pushing Grayson into a relationship.
While I much prefer Bortus to a reunion with Mercer, I don't see why she can't just keep being a kick-ass Commander with a rapidly advancing career. It feels like lazy writing to insist she needs to be partnered up.
Of course, with Klyden's return (and change of heart), it's less likely and far more complicated to pursue that romantic side quest.
Klyden's redemption is the most pleasant surprise here. I spent a lot of time thinking he was behind Topa's abduction. (Seriously, right up to the arrival at the Moclan black site base where I thought they'd strap her down and revert her gender-assignment reversal procedure.)

Grayson and Bortus feel like a surprise pairing, but it's not totally without foundation. Bortus has always held Grayson in the highest regard, admonishing Klyden's disrespect and encouraging Topa to see her as a mentor.
Whether Grayson views Bortus in a romantic light or is just drawn to him as part of Topa's family circle is a bit of a question mark.
Speaking of family, did anyone else's ears perk up at Malloy's mention of his brother?
Malloy: My mom’s like, ‘Why don’t you get him a job on the Orville?” And I’m like, ‘Why should I go out on a limb for this guy just because you dropped the ball when we were kids?’
LaMarr: I mean, he is your brother.
🔗 permalink: I mean, he is your brother.
Did we know this? Could he be the Sam Kirk to Gordon's James T. that schtick is crying out for? Maybe Scott Grimes goes clean-shaven and plays both roles?

In holding up a mirror to modern global politics, this offering shines a light on the tragic fact that it would take nothing less than indisputable evidence of the abduction and brutalization of a child to force a collective of nations to renounce a military supplying member for the horrific treatment of its citizens.
(To be fair, it would take a lot more in real life, and it still wouldn't be unanimous, but TV's here to let us believe in the ideal outcome.)
The dads really come out swinging here and knock it out of the nebula.
Next to Topa's reconciliation with Klyden, Bortus's bludgeoning of the Moclan interrogator is the most satisfying and authentic reaction. Plot-wise, it also solves the issue of Topa revealing the contact name and frequencies of Heveena's communication network.

The VFX team deserves enormous kudos for some absolutely gorgeous flight scenes and chases. Granted, there were moments where it feels like they're just showing off, but it's work worthy of showing off.
As we speed towards the season's end, the Planetary Union finds itself at odds with both the Krill and the Moclans while the Kaylons still present an active threat.
How will the various threads dangled throughout the season be brought together for the finale?
Can we expect another space battle, or will it be a diplomatic encounter?
Who will guest star next? Can we just keep the Dolly Parton simulation program running? Seems like a lot of crew members could benefit from her advice.
Where will The Orville take us next? Hit our comments with your best guess at their charted heading!