AJ is still not accepting that Carol is dying and she asks Conrad to talk to him.
- Padma makes plans for the egges to be fertilized but still hasn't talked to AJ to confirm if he's going to be the sperm donor.
- Carol starts seizing.
- A patient comes in with a temp and a broken ankle
- Emily's case gets shut down and they tell Bell that he's too emotinally invested.
- Bryce has more issues. The run a lumbar on him realize he has hyrophbia and they test him for rabies. He has a bite and they hve to race to treat it. His girlfriend leaves him.
- Bell tells Kit about the board lying about looking into her case.He wants to leak the story to the press in hopes of exposing the doc.
- Bell talks to a reporter and he expses the whole medical board and calls out the governor too as a whistle blower on tv.
- Carol passes away and AJ realizes he's alone.
- Devon says he'll be the donor which causes more tension between him and Leela.
- They save Bryce from rabies, a medical miracle.
- AJ shows up to be there for Padma in time. He says he doesn't want to just be a donor but a father too.