After being kidnapped on her wedding day, Lopez is taken by La Fiera to her safe-guarded compound in Guatemala. The team is unsure of where she was taken or why; however, they find Lopez's dress behind the SUVs they initially presumed was used to kidnap her.
As it turns out, the dress is a trap used to conceal a tripwire that is attached to a bomb! Nolan only spots the tripwire after he is at a certain angle — because of this, Chen beats herself up about the fact she missed the trap.
After it is revealed that La Fiera kidnapped Lopez for her baby, Lopez realizes that she has no choice but to cooperate if she wants to live.
The team struggles to gain a lead on Lopez's disappearance while Manning attempts to play his advantage with the Senator to try and get the DEA to help locate her. Due to the politics of the situation, the DEA refuses to help Manning.
Thanks to their refusal, Manning takes desperate measures and turns to Elijah for help. In exchange for information on Lopez's whereabouts, Manning agrees to become a crooked lawyer for Elijah's gain. Meanwhile, the team is rushing DNA on skin that was found under Jackson's nails in the hopes of finding his killer.
On a more lighthearted note, Chen and Bradford share a comforting hug after staying together in the wake of Jackson's death; Nolan becomes a P2 in the midst of all the chaos.
The DNA from Jackson's body comes back with the ID of a 17-year-old gang member — Armando DeLeon. Chen and Grey go to arrest him or kill him in the worst-case scenario. After a lengthy chase by Chen and Grey to find Armando, Grey corners the kid who tried to flee out of the window.
The two of them have a short conversation regarding fear and revenge while Chen is looking for Grey. The two officers are reunited once Chen sees Armando in handcuffs and Grey behind him — she cancels the distress call she made, thinking Grey was hurt.
After Plan A goes in the trash, thanks to the team not entering La Fiera's compound — they have to turn to Plan B. This involved Manning and Lopez being escorted out of the compound to where the rest of the team could rescue them.
Manning ends up injecting Lopez with Mytocin, a drug strong enough to cause contractions. This frightens Lopez, who protests, though she realizes this is their only way out. Manning insists that Nyla has the antidote once they arrive at the hospital– which is true.
However, before they can get to the hospital together — La Fiera splits the couple up with the intent to kill Manning. The team improvises their plan because of this, and Nolan ends up saving Manning while Nyla and Bradford go after Lopez.
The two manage to retrieve Lopez from La Fiera though it comes with a chase and a shoot-out before escaping in the getaway helicopter. In the act of defense, Lopez shoots La Fiera. Meanwhile, Nolan rescues Manning after a bloody fistfight with La Fiera's people.
After a three-month time jump, we see the team welcoming Lopez, Manning, and their baby boy home from the hospital. It's revealed that their son's name is Jackson while Lopez speaks to Jackson's gravestone.