- Angela and Wesley are disagreeing about how to handle the Elijah situation.
- Bradford's sister Genny shows up to visit. She has to talk to him about something but he keeps trying to avoid her. She talks her way into doing a ride along with him and Chen.
- Harper is upset when her ex tells her that he's moving with their daughter out of the state. She can't reach him to hear the rest or talk to him about it and she was blowing him off because of what happened between them.
- Angela and Nolan respond to call and their suspect opens fire.
- They have to track down Marvin who is on the run with the machine company.
- Angela tells Nolan about Wesley and the deal with Elijah. She talks to WEsley and wants to build a RICO case, but Wesley says they can.t
- Gennys says that they have to discuss their father's house and what to do with it. She wants to fix it and Bradford wants to get rid of it. They talk to Nolan about it and everyone gets in on the action with all the help they need from him as a contractor.
- Thorsen still tries to help Harper figure out what to do abut her ex moving to San Francisco without her.
- Thorsen and Harper find a lead on Marvi an toss a ball cam inside of his RV He has loads of equipment and seems ready for war
- They find all the articles and fake news Marvin has been consuming.
- They talk to Marvin's ex girlfriend who is dating someone else. She said Marvin played Russian roulette in front of her and may come after her.
- She mentions that Marvin got radicalized by someone online named Cooper.
- They track down Cooper who spews his radicalized garbage and Angela gets aggressive in an attempt to scae him. They need to stop Marvin before he commits an act of terrorism.
- Tim shares that he's not interested in the house our their father and mentions how he was an abusive drunk who used to beat them. He doesn't believe his father has changed.
- Nolan admonsishes Angela for her behavior.
- They get a lead on Marvin and face fire. They manage to shoot Marvin but he's still on the go.
- Angela, Nolan, Harper and Thorsen track down Marvin on a ship and have to clear it to find him.
- They finally get a shot. Nolan takes it and Marvin falls to his presumed death.
- Thorsen gives Harper his lawyer's number so she can work with her.
- Lucy talks to Tim and he listens to her and agrees to help his sister with the house and also endorses Nolan.
- Wesley tells Grey everything and agrees to be a CI and he, Grey, and Angela plan to take down Elijah.