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The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 9 Recap: Squeeze

Carol screamed when she realized Alpha had led them into a trap. 

Everyone got to work to find an exit, but they realized they were not alone in the cave. 

Magna noted that she wanted to get home to Yumiko to fix their relationship, but things took a dangerous turn when Whisperers arrived on the scene. 

Magna was excellent, dispatching of them in quick succession. They found dynamite and Carol stole it to blow up the horde. 

However, the blast caused a ripple effect throughout the cave, leading to some drama. Jerry held the cave opened to let everyone get out. 

The nearby blast brought whisperers and walkers. Magna and Connie were trapped inside, leading to a dangerous turn of events.

Carol wanted Daryl to blame her but he refused and left her alone. 

Negan told Alpha that Gamma must have been the one to mess with with the horde and spill all about it. 

That was a difficult thing for her to hear, but she later rewarded Negan with sex for helping. 

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