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The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: Internment

On this episode of The Walking Dead…

Hershel continues to aid the sick, killing the undead when they return, burning the bodies out back.

Rick returns and tells Maggie and Hershel that Carol killed Karen and David, and that he told her not to come back.

Rick and Carl attempt to hold the fence, but the walkers break it down. The two use guns to mow the walkers down.

More sick die in the quarantine area, including the doctor. Walkers get loose and Hershel is forced to kill them. Glenn is about to die, but Hershel is able to save him.

Lizzie continues to act weird.

Daryl, Tyreese, Michonne and Bob return with the medicine.

The Governor is watching the prison from afar.

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